Vice President Biden The Latest Democrat Fox News Wants To Unseat
By Brian
One day after “Democrat” Pat Caddell went on Your World to tout his phony campaign to put Hillary Clinton on the presidential ballot against President Obama, the same show trotted out “Democrat” Doug Wilder, the former governor of Virginia, described by Politico as “often… the Democrat Virginia Republicans love most.” Wilder was there to broadcast his call for Vice President Joe Biden to get off the 2012 ticket after he said, “The Taliban per se is not our enemy.” Neil Cavuto asked Wilder to “explain” why he thinks Biden is a “weak link on this ticket.”
Bill O'Reilly's Holiday Hypocrisy?
Bill O'Reilly talks the talk about how those who say the word "holiday" in place of "Christmas," should be, in the words of Ebenezer Scrooge, "boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart!" But yet, Bill might not be walking the walk. In one of his recent columns in which O'Reilly asked if Lady Gaga has "jumped the shark," (Oh, the irony) not only did he lapse into blasphemous language; but he did not chide his fellow performance artist (and hers is so much better) for using the dreaded and obscene "H" word for her holiday shop in NY City.
Read moreLarry Gatlin's Christmas Song Is Christmas BS?
Monday, on Fox & Friends, good Christian country crooner, Larry Gatlin, serenaded a smiling and very leggy Gretchen Carlson and Steve Doocy with his song, "No Star in Bethlehem Tonight." Before he began his "special Christmas performance," he told the Christian/Christmas Curvy Couch Crew that he was inspired to write the song when he and his two year old granddaughter were watching TV "the day the terrorists bombed the little church in Bethlehem where historically says that Christ was born." (Uh, biblically speaking, Larry - not historically.) This "broke" Larry's "heart" and he "did what he always does and "picked up this guitar." Larry does seem to have a problem with history as his inspiration wasn't entirely accurate - but as this is Fox & Friends, who cares about accuracy!
Fox News Promotes “Democrat” Caddell's Hillary Clinton Primary-Challenge Fantasy
By Brian
On Monday’s Your World (12/19/11), "Democratic" strategist Pat Caddell followed up his Hannity appearance, in which he announced that the White House Chief of Staff and the national security head should be arrested, with a promotion of his editorial, written with fellow Fox “Democrat” Doug Schoen, urging a grassroots effort in New Hampshire to write in Hillary Clinton's name during the Jan. 10 Democratic primary. Never mind that Caddell and Schoen concede that Clinton “has expressed no interest in running.” Never mind that even host Neil Cavuto made it clear he couldn’t take the proposal seriously. It had the potential to hurt President Obama so what’s not to like if you’re Fox News?
Read moreBill Clinton Won't Say He Respects Newt Gingrich
Former President Bill Clinton visited The O’Reilly Factor Tuesday night (12/20/11) for a lengthy interview. Bill O’Reilly brought up the subject of Newt Gingrich. “You worked with Newt Gingrich. You respect him?” O’Reilly asked. Clinton refused to say “Yes.”
Read moreGretchen Carlson & Larry Gatlin Worship Tim Tebow
Acting on orders from Jesus and Roger Ailes, Fox "News" is now the unofficial Tim Tebow network. Fox's old time bible hour, otherwise known as Fox & Friends, never wastes an opportunity to shower Jesus' brother by another mother with hosannas in the highest. This morning, Gretchen Carlson and washed up country star (?) Larry Gatlin interviewed the author of a book about Tebow who, as we know, is persecuted because he is a Christian. You could feel the love coming and Christian fellowship oozing from the curvy couch.
If It’s Monday, It Must Be Donald Trump
There’s a rotation to the guests on Fox and Friends, a show that runs like clockwork. Monday means at some point we’ll hear from both Dana Perino and Brad Stine (see my previous post). However, neither of those esteemed Monday regulars are treated with the reverence and respect of Donald Trump, who doesn’t even have enough respect for the Foxy Friends to show up in the studio. Trump literally phones in his segments. Not only does he have a lot of money (apparently), but Trump is an expert on everything (apparently) because no Fox “News” show seems complete without him. This week on F&F he expounded on North Korea, China, the Keystone Pipeline, environmentalists, President Obama’s lack of leadership, Canada, China again, a rudder-less ‘Merka again, and anything else that he could think of to spew in an excruciatingly long seven minute segment.
Read moreIf It’s Monday, It Must Be Brad Stine
Just when you thought Fox and Friends was totally predictable, Fox “News” throws a curveball. One need not be prescient to know that every Monday Donald Trump (who will be the subject of my next post), Dana Perino, and Brad Stine will all be trotted out—sometimes all within the first hour, sometimes by satellite, sometimes live on the Curvy Couch, sometimes by phone (Trump). However, who could have predicted that filling in for the otherwise engaged Brain Brian Kilmeade would be Country music star Larry Gatlin? The last time a Country star appeared with the Foxy Friends, it was Hank Williams, Jr. and we know how well that went. Gatlin’s “aw shucks,” down home, Hee Haw accent was somewhat jarring on a purported “news” network, as were the odd, folksy comments, such as “I wouldn’t eat tofu with Jesus at The Last Supper” and “Perfect pitch is when you throw a banjo into a dumpster and it hits a ukulele.” His die-hard Country fans must find that one HIGH-LARRY-US. The only time Gatlin didn’t sound as out of place as a cricket swimming in the moonshine was when he was talking to former carney Brad Stine. Then it was accent vs. accent as they talked about Teabowing, Tim Tebow, and why his team lost.
Read moreHere We Go Again! Palin Pretends She Still Might Run For President
Sarah Palin is crashing the Republican primary again. This time, she visited Fox Business’ Follow the Money show and suggested she still might run for president. Even though she has already said she won’t. Even though it was obvious she wouldn’t run long before she announced she wouldn’t. But hey, why let a little thing like a real primary process get in the way of an opportunity to grab the spotlight?
Read moreO’Reilly: If U.S. Grant Were Alive, He Might Well Invade The U.S. Capitol Over The War On Christmas
In his never-ending effort to ruin the season for anyone who prefers "Happy Holidays" to "Merry Christmas," Bill O’Reilly reached a new low tonight with his complaint that Congressmembers can’t say “Merry Christmas” “on the taxpayer dime.” Actually, O’Reilly was fine with most of the Congressional rule, given the deficit and the fact that he doesn’t want to be “picking up the tab for Nancy Pelosi’s holiday card list.” But what he objected to was a loophole saying that when a Congressperson uses their mailing privileges to send other mail to their constituents, they can wish them something like "a happy holiday seaons," but not "Merry Christmas." This, O’Reilly suggested, might justify drastic remedies.
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