Fox & Friends Declare Global Warming Over
Earlier this week (10/16/12), Fox & Friends touted the notion that global warming ended 16 years ago, according to Britain’s Meteorological Office. Brian Kilmeade angrily asked. “The Obama administration has spent almost $60 billion to combat global warming and how’s that going?” In case you didn’t know the answer, a graphic on the screen had just blared, “WHO’S RUINING THE ECONOMY?”
Read moreFox Pretends Romney Leads In Early Voting
On yesterday’s Your World, former Pennsylvania Senator (and former Fox News contributor) Rick Santorum spoke about early voting. Near the end, Neil Cavuto asked “How big a phenomenon is this early voting and in swing states particular, how is it going to sway?”
Read moreMegyn Kelly Says "God Has Won" In Texas Cheerleader Bible Banner Case
While the real America is a religiously diverse nation, with an increasing number of those who claim no faith, the America of Fox News is a Christian nation and a place where Jesus is alway welcome. In addition to the morning "friends," Jesus has a new BFF who is aglow with love for the lord and full of righteous Christian indignation towards those who are not. As one of Jesus' Fox News anointed, Megyn Kelly is closely following the case of the Christian Texas cheerleaders who are suing their school district for prohibiting them from hoisting banners, with appropriately bellicose bible quotes, at high school football games. Recently, on her alleged "news" show, Kelly rejoiced when the cheerleaders won a temporary reprieve for their banners. And now that a Texas state district judge is allowing them to fly their banners until the next court date in June, Megyn Kelly is preaching that God "won" the case.
Read moreBill O’Reilly’s Condescending, Paternalistic And Dismissive Response To ‘Binders Full Of Women’ Backlash
Bill O’Reilly purported to hold a fair and balanced discussion of the fierce reaction that greeted Mitt Romney’s “whole binders full of women” comment during the debate this week. And maybe it would have been if O’Reilly hadn’t repeatedly interrupted his two women guests to patronizingly insert his opinion that the whole thing was some kind of crazy (female) nonsense. To top it all off, he closed by telling his female guest who had been offended by Romney, “I don’t believe you’re being treated as a second class citizen. If somebody does treat you that way, let me know.” Like what, he's gonna beat them up on TV?
Read more‘Liberal’ Van Susteren Promotes Tea Party DVD
Greta Van Susteren ran a blatant infomercial for the Tea Party’s campaign to swing undecided voters last night. Apparently, the Tea Party Patriots group has a new DVD it’s sending to 350,000 undecided voters in “pivotal swing states,” according to Politico. “Liberal” Van Susteren did her part for the cause last night by promoting the DVD and its message.
Read moreBeckel Debunks Frank Luntz’ Focus Groups
After the presidential debate this week, Frank Luntz did another of his suspicious focus groups. This time, it was comprised of “undecided voters,” most of whom “voted for Barack Obama in 2008.” Although we never found out just how Democratic or Republican, liberal or conservative those ex-Obama supporters were, lo and behold, most of them no longer supported him. Last night, Bob Beckel visited The O’Reilly Factor and blasted Luntz’ work.
Read moreFox Nation Comment Calls Michelle Obama The C-Word
Despite its claim to be a website for "those opposed to intolerance," Fox News' "Fox Nation" blog is a veritable sewer of racist, homophobic, and sexist comments on threads deliberately calibrated to elicit those types of responses which include the occasional death threat directed toward the president. Meanwhile, whenever Bill Maher (Dubbed "Pig Maher" by Fox Nation writers) makes a rude comment about Republican women, there are howls of outrage. But this same concern about rudeness doesn't seem to apply to a comment, 21 hours old, on a thread which advances the right wing meme of Michelle Obama "breaking the rules" at the recent presidential debate. The website for those who "oppose intolerance" still features, among the other racist attacks, "Railroadearth's" belief that the First Lady of the US is a "dispicable cunt." Nice.
Read moreO’Reilly Explains Why He Wouldn’t Want Obama Babysitting His Kid: Rev. Wright Might Come Over
Dennis Miller visited The O’Reilly Factor last night for what amounted to an infomercial about Miller hitting the road to campaign for Mitt Romney. But near the end, Miller and Bill O’Reilly started joshing about a poll that found Americans would prefer President Obama, by a wide margin, to babysit their child than Mitt Romney.
Read moreFox News Website "Bias Alert" Is Not Only Biased, But Ironic?
The Fox News website has a new front page feature. Every day, there is a secondary lede titled, in bold red letters,"Bias Alert" which consists of articles about how the evil, librul media is engaging in bias when, of course, the "fair & balanced" Fox News network would never, evah do such a thing. Right?! But the fact that a number of the articles, written by writers from the spectacularly biased, right wing Media Research Center headed by the spectacularly biased, right wing Brent Bozell, would seem to indicate otherwise. Fox's own writers do contribute to the efforts towards ferreting out this so called "bias" - such as yesterday's article, sourced from Bozell's "Newsbusters" website, about Chris Matthews' statement that Romney's abortion position is similar to Sharia Law. Oh, the humanity. But, interestingly, those employed at the "fair & balanced" "news" network have also engaged in the same kind of hyperbole.
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