Bill O'Reilly was shocked that African-Americans have good table manners. So we shouldn't be surprised that he is defending the racist Chinatown video done by his mini-me, Jesse Watters. And we shouldn't be surprised that O'Reilly, not known for his truthiness, is making the false claim that the nobody except the "far left" cared. Wrong!
On this morning's Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace told Bill O'Reilly that the Jesse Watters Chinatown piece has been "widely criticized as, quote, racist." (At 4 minutes into the video) He asked O'Reilly if it was "over the line" and whether O'Reilly regretted it. Naturally, O'Reilly defended his paid stalker:
"I would have edited it a little bit differently than it was edited. But, no, it wasn't over the line. We ran that piece on Monday of last week. 5 million people, plus, saw it live-time. You know how many negative letters we got? Less than ten. You know how many phone calls came in to Fox News? Zero, as far as I know. We checked. It was 36 hours later that this outrage appeared. And where did it appear? Far-left websites, far-left precincts. I read every single one. They're all the same.
So this is an attack on Fox News. That's what it is. It's happened before. I thought it was a gentle piece. There were a few things in there I felt were over the line. The old lady, I would have taken that out. I should have seen it before, but I'm so busy with the election that I didn't. But, [Jesse] Waters is a gentle satirist. He's worked very well for us. We're proud of him. This is an organized campaign. This is what they do. They've done it before."
Bill is trying to minimize the negative reaction to Watters' vile racist piece. We don't know if his claim, that there were only 10 letters, is true - but we do know that one of the letters was from the Asian-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (far left group?), which was "outraged and shocked." They "wrote" this to Watters: “Your non-apology for racist #Chinatown piece not accepted.” And while not officially a letter, "The Angry Asian Man," offered his take, which eviscerated Watters and Fox, as a form of communication to Fox News.
As Newshounds Ellen reported, the Asian American Journalist Association (another far left group?) was not happy about Wattersh' piece of video garbage. While we don't know if they communicated with Fox, their reaction was posted in the NY Daily News. Community leaders are voiced their concerns. NY City Councilwoman Margaret Chin criticized Fox's role in promoting "a legacy of hate." State Senator Daniel Squadron issued a press release in which he condemned O'Reilly's and Watters' "disrespect" for the Chinese-American community. (Are these two politicians members of the "far left?")
What neither O'Reilly nor Wallace mentioned was that, on Thursday, a protest against Watters' video was held outside Fox News. According to a statement from the NY State Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus, those in attendance included Councilman Peter Koo, Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, Representatives Grace Meng and Nydia Velasquez, and Walter T. Mosley. (I guess O'Reilly would consider them "far left?")
But Bill O'Reilly said it's no big deal because nobody really cared and if Bill says so, it must be true, amiright?
1). When I worked in a tee vee newsroom, every phone call & comment was logged (before the internet). We were told that each one who took time to call or write represented more than one viewer. They were just the most motivated.
2). How many people who watch The Falafel Factor would really take offense at the “gentle” racist Watters?
So, if it took a day or 2 for this to trickle down from O’Reilly’s golden [shower] throne to people who care about the ugly racism that he and Watters displayed, that only seems natural.
It’s not anti-Fox. It’s anti-racism.
Heya, Priscilla!!!
With all my love,
Aunty Em!!!