Prior to moving into her nighttime slot, Megyn Kelly informed us that "you're not going to hear what I think." Judging from last night's interview with Carly Fiorina, Kelly is either delusional or full of you know what!
Kelly began by describing how Fiorina is "under fire" for "what some are calling angry rhetoric" about Planned Parenthood. In framing the "pro-life" agitprop, Kelly referenced "controversy" that "led to talk about how fetuses and babies are being harvested for their organs." Naturally, Kelly didn't say that none of the subsequent investigations of Planned Parenthood validated these charges which were the result of bogus sting videos done by a radical "pro-life" group.
After she was introduced by Kelly, Fiorina began her whine with the same tired spiel that she gave to Fox's Chris Wallace; i.e. that it's not those who are "pro-life" who are hateful, but, rather liberals who support abortion: "This is what the left wing does, they demonize the messenger when they cannot take the message. I haven't used hyperbolic rhetoric about Planned Parenthood, I've spoken the truth and I will continue to speak the truth." (Uh, no, as investigated by fact checkers, her claim about live "babies" being dissected is not the truth.)
Fiorina attacked the President and Black Lives Matter when she said that she didn't "recall him being concerned about people were chanting death to the pigs...I don't recall President Obama being concerned about the tone of the rhetoric when he compared Republicans who objected to his very bad deal with Iran as the hardliners like the Mullahs." (Of course, neither the President nor Black Lives Matter have called for the death of their opponents as have "pro-life" groups like Operation Rescue...) She continued to whine "the left wing only gets concerned about the rhetoric when they don't like the message and they try to demonize the messenger."
Kelly gently explained that concern about Fiorina's veracity stemmed from her claim that she had seen video of a live baby whose organs were about to be harvested - a claim not substantiated. Fiorina continued to whine about that liberals oppose her because she will take her "pro-life" crusade to Hillary Clinton by proving that there is no GOP war on women. (Good luck with that).
At this point, Kelly brought home the propaganda bacon. After showing segments of the discredited Center for Medical Progress sting videos, Kelly framed the agitprop message with the question: "Do you ever feel like the outrage is saved up for people like you who have sincerely held beliefs even if they don't agree with them. It's saved up for people like you who espouse them as opposed to trying to understand why about half the country has a problem, if not with the abortion procedure which does stop a beating heart [this is the new mantra of the anti-choice movement] than with the callousness with which these women discussed it, it was so bad that even the president of Planned Parenthood had to come out and apologize for it."
Fiorina pontificated she will encourage Congress to pass the 20 week abortion ban because that's what Americans want. In closing she claimed that "most Americans" disagree with liberals who, according to Carly, don't believe life begins until birth which, IMHO, is the point at which the GOP stops caring!
Megyn Kelly has also said that she's not a political person. Is she delusional or full of crap. I report, you decide!
Wait a minute,… I said sneaked past. More like aided and abetted by Faux.
I guess it’s up to that great wartime General O’Reilly or Sean Insanity to field this ball.
I won’t hold my breath.