Parents - do not allow your children to be exposed to history courses that mention Islam or Muslims because, before you know it, your kids will be shouting Allahu Akbar and engaging in jihad - and not the good Keith Ablow kind! While I am obviously being facetious, this is exactly the mind set of a Maryland ex Marine who has threatened to "unleash a shit storm," at his daughter's public school because she was OMG being taught about Islam as part of a world history class. His comments to the school also include inserting academic material in bodily orifices. Because of the nature of his threats, he is being banned from the school. So are we surprised that the story of this hero dad, minus the inflammatory rhetoric and threats, was told on last night's The Kelly File? Can Fox & Friends be close behind?
Megyn Kelly reported that "there's new fallout after a Marine Corps father complained to his daughter's school about a homework assignment on Islam." (Notice how she used "Marine" as a descriptor in order to immediately get sympathy for this guy). Kelly isn't telling the whole story. According to a local press account, it wasn't just homework. Kevin Wood doesn't want his daughter to learn about Islam because he, a Catholic, doesn't believe in it. He and his wife want his daughter to be removed from the class while Islam is being studied.
Kelly tossed to Trace Gallagher for the backstory. Gallagher began his recounting of the story by describing how Wood considers himself "a patriot" who "admits that he was very unhappy" when he spoke with the school Vice-Principal. Gallagher didn't mention that according to Mr. Wood, he said this to the woman: "Take that Muslim-loving piece of paper and shove it up your white [expletive],” If [students] can’t practice Christianity in school, they should not be allowed to practice Islam in school."
Gallagher, in reinforcing Kelly's claim that this was just about homework, explained that Wood's daughter was asked to write an essay on Islamic beliefs. As he spoke, cutesy photos of Wood and his daughter were shown over the chyron "Marine Banned From Public School." Audio of Wood was played in which he hit on all the important Fox memes about how God is being banned from football games and the Pledge (Uh, no) while students are being forced to learn about Islam. Gallagher noted that Wood said that none of the parents were notified about the assignment which, this being a standard history class and not sex-ed, wouldn't have been an issue or so one would think. Gallagher seemed appalled that the school wouldn't give the girl another assignment and OMG "even defended the subject matter."
Video was played of a school spokesperson who explained that the lesson was part of world history and that Wood threatened to disrupt the school. Gallagher added "so they banned him from school property" which, in the real world, was a very smart move done in the interests of school safety - but obviously not so for Fox News. Gallagher reported that Wood's wife said that he was "just trying to make a point" (Ya Think?!) and played audio of a tearful Mrs. Wood who babbled about what "Wood endured in Iraq" when "he lost friends to these people." (Uh, we lost lots of Americans in WWII but schools still teach about the Nazi's) Megyn scowled as Gallagher spoke of how the family is "trying to work out a compromise but if their daughter is forced to do the assignment, she won't and will just take the F; but if their daughter is forced to do the assignment, she won't do it and will just take the F.
So how do you think The Kelly File would handle a Muslim or minority parent who threatened to unleash a shit storm? I guess if you're a white, Christian patriot, it's all good....