Bill O'Reilly has said a lot of really stupid (and Islamophobic) things; but his comment about how Bowe Bergdahl's father "looks like a Muslim" will live in Fox infamy. (Meanwhile Bill O'Reilly looks like, well, you fill in the blanks.) Brian Kilmeade has said a lot of stupid (and Islamophobic) things; but his comment about how Bob Bergdahl resembles a terrorist will also live in Fox infamy. Meanwhile, among those vets who have taken to Fox News in order to denounce Bergdahl as a "deserter" or possibly a terrorist symp, is one who is quite hirsute. So I ask the question, does Justin Gerleve, Bergdahl's former squad leader look like a Muslim?
Very suspicious, ya think?
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Jan Hall commented
2014-06-08 18:42:08 -0400
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“Bill O’Reilly looks like, well, you fill in the blanks.” -- Narcissistic, Bigoted Blowhard.——- Of course I had the advantage of hearing Junior O’Reilly speak.
about Does Fox News Think Bergdhal's Former Squad Leader Looks Like A Muslim?
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2014-06-08 11:42:51 -0400
Does Fox News Think Bergdhal's Former Squad Leader Looks Like A Muslim?