How much do the GOP and the anti-choice movement vehemently hate the Affordable Care Act? They hate it so much that they are willing to push a bold faced lie in order to make their bogus case that the ACA covers abortion inducing drugs and devices. As the mouthpiece for the GOP and those who are waging a war on women's reproductive rights, Fox News has been more than willing to *aid and abet this lie. Now that the Supreme Court is hearing court cases that involve Christian companies who object to providing coverage for birth control (You know, those pills for women who can't control their libido!) the issue of birth control (Yes, this is the 21st century!) vis-à-vis the ACA is being discussed across the media spectrum. Last night, Fox's Judge Andrew Napolitano broke it down for Megyn Kelly's audience. Given that Ms. Kelly has advanced the lie that the ACA includes abortion drugs, it wasn't surprising that she allowed Napolitano to do the same.
In explaining the contraception mandate, the anti-choice, pro-gun (strange juxtaposition, eh?) Napolitano said that the ACA covers "contraception, euthanasia, and abortion." He opined that if the court rules in favor of the companies who have brought suit, this would be a "significant gutting of the ACA." He added that if the courts rules no, "the government will have free range to tell corporations what they must do irrespective of their political opinions." In describing the religious orientation of the two groups which have filed suit, he incorrectly said that Hobby Lobby's Green family is Catholic when they are evangelical Christians.
He predicted that the court will rule in favor of free religious liberties of the shareholders of the corporation. When he said that one of the options, if Hobby Lobby wins, would be for the government to pay for the birth control, a grinning, Kelly looked at the camera and said "and by the government, he means you." He agreed "people like you and me irrespective our religious beliefs and they're painful [inaudible]" She laughed and said "that's why people get upset."
Of course, this being Fox News, nobody mentioned that one of the options could be that which is being done for non-profits; i.e. the insurance provider picks up the tab. Nobody said that the companies could drop insurance altogether and allow the employees to obtain ACA coverage. Nobody said that Hobby Lobby already covered 16 out of the 20 medications mandated under the ACA.
Once again, Fox "News" is lying. The ACA covers birth control - not abortion drugs. Those who have filed suit, however, believe that emergency contraception and the IUD cause abortions which is a belief not grounded in science but religion. Emergency contraception prevents ovulation; the IUD prevents implantation of a fertilized egg - fertilization happens before implantation which is the point at which, according to medical science, a pregnancy occurs.
Fair & Balanced at its best. Ya think!
Interesting play, trying to put Euthanasia between those two… In what universe Euthanasia equated to contraception?