Todd Starnes' world is an apocalyptic one in which Toddles and the forces of Jesus are in constant battle with the forces of darkness. Chief among Toddles' nefarious adversaries is Mikey Weinstein, head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation who, according to Toddles, is making life miserable for good Christian soldiers who just want everybody else to know about Jesus regardless of the time, place, and audience. And now that Shaw Air Force Base has, after communicating with Mr. Weinstein, taken down a Nativity Scene not connected to a chapel, Toddles is full of Southern fried indignation about how this is the latest example of Weinstein's attempt to "eradicate Christianity" from the military who, like their heathen Commander-in-Chief, hate the Baby Jesus.
But rather than accepting the things he cannot change, good Christian, Christmas warrior Toddles is now encouraging his Twitter followers to call the Jesus hating Shaw AFB to ask why the Creche has been removed. (Uh, because it's a violation of Air Force Instruction 1-1?)
And worth noting is Toddles' insult to those military who complained about the Nativity - a comment, that if uttered by godless liberals, would have earned them the righteous condemnation of the patriotic Starnes.
Way to support the troops, Toddles!
And nothing captures the Christmas message of peace on earth like some good, Christian "libs, muslims, atheist hating!
Shoddy has ordained himself as the Little Drummer Boy for “christian justice.” What a nut!
You are full of crap. You said nothing when News Corporation held its annual “Holiday Party” in New York City for all News Corporation employees. Did you call out Rupy for calling it a holiday party, you idiot?