The right wing hates the Common Core curriculum because, you know, freedom. So it was no surprise when, last week, Fox & Friends joined the chorus of right wing praise that was given to a Tennessee high school student who spoke out against the curriculum. This morning, the sainted hero himself appeared on Fox & Friends for more Common Core bashing which is, of course, just another way to bash President Obama which is, of course, no surprise at all!
The segment was part of Fox & Friends patented "Trouble With Schools." MENSA member (just kidding) Steve Doocy immediately framed the message by describing Common Core as "the educational overhaul that parents across the country have feared for years." The chyron reinforced the progaganda: "Common Core Outcry, New Program Lets Feds Set Educational Standards." As in any Fox & Friends segment, extreme rhetoric was used to describe the program which "forces local schools to their local standards [what, what, no more creationism!] so that [Doocy's voice got louder] so that the federal government can step in and tell em what to teach." Brain Brian Kilmeade kept up the incendiary rhetoric with his comment about the new Common Core standards which are being adopted by states "all of them coerced [rather than something like "having been given incentives"] by the Obama administration with promises of more federal money."
After describing Ethan Young as an "unlikely foe" of the Obama administration, video of Young's address to the school board was shown. Doocy gurgled "epic." When Young appeared on the split screen Doocy praised Young's "courage" and asked him why he spoke out. After Young said that he wanted to speak out about this, Kilmeade prompted Young to speak about problems that he discovered with school testing when he was in seventh grade. As Young spoke about the problems of "standardization," the chyron continued the Fox hagiography of Ethan Young which dovetailed nicely with the propaganda message: "Student Blasts Standards." The next chyron played to that ole fear of evil gummit that is so popular with Fox audiences: "Controlling Your Curriculum, Feds Offer Grants To Common Core States."
In a moment of extraordinary ROFLMFAO irony, Doocy noted that Young is "railing" against how the standards are being "dumbed down." As Young, in a non-ideological manner, further discussed the issue, the chyron cited his "Inspiring Advice." Given that the Fox/right wing has no affection for teachers, the next chyron was interesting: "Raising His Voice, Teachers Rally Behind Student's Speech."
Young seems like a well intentioned and well spoken young man. But he is being used to advance Fox propaganda. It would be interesting to hear what a supporter of Common Core has to say. It is an important issue which warrants a balanced analysis. But as Fox & Friends has an agenda to pimp, that probably won't happen. "We don't need no education?"
Eat shit, Doocey.