File under the "what else [and where else] is new" category, "Fox radio screamer" Todd Starnes' newest bit of hyperventilation about alleged creeping Sharia in a Florida high school world history text which, according to Starnes, is anti-Christian and OMG pro-Muslim. The meme that librul texts are promoting Islam and dissing Jesus is nothing new in the right wing screamer community and has been advanced on Fox & Friends where Steve Doocy validated the concerns of a creationist TX Board of Education member, Cynthia Dunbar, about pro-Islam, anti-Christian bias in a Texas text. Thus, it wasn't surprising to see Starnes, on Tuesday's Fox & Friends, advance a Florida *dwarf toss supporting legislator's accusation that a Florida advanced placement world history text is OMG pro-Islam and anti-Christian. While Fox & Friends, in advancing Fox's oh, so popular Islamophobia, framed the segment as "The Trouble With Schools," it should have been titled "We Don't Need No Education!"
While intense scary music was played, the visual was a group of school lockers which was overlaid , in BIG, YELLOW letters, with "Trouble With Schools." Steve Doocy, who is part of the trouble with Fox News, reported that "outraged [it's always an "outrage"] parents in Brevard County Florida claim a commonly used AP textbook is biased towards Islam at the expense of other religions." The chyron set the requisite Fox message about the faux Fox "controversy" - "Controversy in the Classroom, School Under Fire For History Textbook." He introduced Fox's "fundamentalist barking dog," Todd Starnes would explain why the parents are "riled up."
Starnes asserted that "the bias is pretty clear" because there is a "36 page chapter dedicated to Islam" and OMG "no chapter devoted to Christianity, no chapter dedicated to Judaism." Starnes didn't mention that the book lists the 10 Commandments and has a chart that compares Catholic, Calvinist, and Lutheran views on salvation. The next chyron reinforced the Fox message with a Cavuto marked question: "Favoring Islam? Parents Claim Book's Content is Biased." Starnes noted that the "big concern" is that OMG the book is being used around the country. He railed about how "moms and dads don't have a clue about what their kids are learning."
Starnes referenced, as an example of bias, the citation that the residents of Medina "happily accepted Islam." Doocy interjected that there is no mention that "tens of thousands were massacred." (I don't know what weird history Doocy is referring to because those in Medina did accept Islam and weren't massacred.) The irony in the chryon was rich: "Re-Writing History? Muslim Battles Depicted as Non-Violent." Starnes whined about how the book cited Jesus as "the proclaimed Messiah," but OMG it was stated, as fact, that Mohammed is a prophet. (Meanwhile, there were no actual quotes.)
Starnes said that he was told by the Florida legislator, Rich Workman, that OMG a Muslim assisted in the writing of the text; but this is being denied by the publisher. He then noted that Christian battles are described as massacres while Muslim battles are described as takeovers. (Reality is that there is a difference. Islamic battles were part of Muslim political expansion in which civilians were spared - unlike the Christian crusades against Muslims and Cathars - unlike what was done by those who settled the United States where entire villages of native-Americans were destroyed) Again,there were no actual quotes. Doocy said "that looks pretty provocative." After reading a statement from the publisher who asserted that the material is balanced, Doocy, who isn't concerned about the lack of fairness and balance on his show, whined about the number of chapters devoted to Islam as opposed to "no chapter" for Christianity. Despite all the whining about stealth jihad, nobody mentioned that the book covers modern day Jihadism in the Middle East and elsewhere.
Starnes advised parents to "grab those textbooks and read for themselves what their kids are learning." (Only works if they're literate!)The chyron stated Fox fact: "Flawed Lesson Plan, Is Islam Praised As Religions Degraded?" He noted that parents will be picking up their pitchforks investigating the book and that "there's a pretty good chance" that the school will pull the it. Given that those on Fox & Friends are always bitching about how one atheist parent spoils things for good Christians, Steve's speculation, that an astute parent discovered this, was rich in irony. The concluding chyron brought home the agitprop bacon with the money shot for the piece: "War on Christianity? Book Paints Critical Picture of Religion." Starnes claimed that the anti-Christian bias is in textbooks "all across the country."
Those Jesus hating Muslims are brainwashing yer kids. Be afraid, be very afraid!!!!
*GOP Rep Rich Workman is a teabagger who, while finalizing his divorce, introduced divorce legislation that protected rich guys who screw around.
This busy-body bog needs to stay out of other people’s business. If you are a educator and this bog shows up tell him to take a hike in a forest out of public view for at least several decades.
A Saudi prince owns shares of News Corporation, parent company of Fox News. Why don’t you investigate that gem?
Correct if I’m mistaken but isn’t Islam a “religion” as well?
On another point, I really wish I could’ve participated in this little “discussion.” I’d have to ask just how lax these “outraged” parents are if they can’t provide a “superior” Christian perspective in their daily lives that would be sufficient to keep their (apparently) brain-dead children from suddenly deciding that they need to convert to Islam.
If this book has just ONE chapter (and only 36 pages, at that), I don’t think the teacher’s going to be spending more than a week on the chapter (meaning a grand total of about 5 hours of the students’ whole lives on Islam, compared to DOYC-only-knows how many hours they’re getting of Christianity at home and church a week).
Sigh…..I know, I know. I’m talking about facts. And the fact-challenged pundits of FoxNoise really don’t appreciate that kind of language.