Fox News is providing a conduit for yet another bogus right wing outrage; i.e. the presence of children at President Obama's press event during which he spoke about gun violence - an issue about which these kids were so concerned that they wrote letters to the president. Fox Nation, which isn't concerned about the NRA ad targeting the president's children, had several threads which were critical of the president for doing this, one of which was written by the perpetually outraged (and outrageous) Michelle Malkin whose hatred for Barack Obama is almost palpable. But, as I reported, these same critics ignore the fact that President George W Bush also had children present for various events. So, in order to make sure that the Fox audience gets as outraged as Ms. Malkin, she appeared on this morning's Fox & Friends where she treated us to her patented sneering and snarling vitriol about President Obama.
The first part of the interview was devoted to fringe psycho blogger Fox contributor Malkin maligning the White House press corps as a bunch of "drool bucket award winners" (Jealous, much?) and "sycophants" unlike the Fox press who are doing their job and being "punished." (WTF?)
Steve Doocy smoothly segued into yesterday's press event. He noted the presence of the four children and how "some, on the right, have criticized him for using the children as props." (Ya think!) Malkin asserted that this is a "time tested tactic of the left." As she spoke, the agitprop chyron framed the message with a Cavuto mark: "Prop-a-Palooza, Potus Uses Kids During Gun Ban Announcement." She claimed she "followed it from the Clinton years onward of using kiddy human shields" (Nice use of the Rush Limbaugh coined phrase) "to deflect tough questions about the cost and consequences of these often reckless, rash public policy decisions that are born out of emotionalism and, unfortunately, exploitation and not any real commitment to solving problems ." The chyron provided more patented Fox, Cavuto marked editorializing: "A Desparate Plea, President Made Gun Speech With Kids on Stage."
She accused Democrats of "cynically" using children for various issues such as gun control and healthcare in order to deflect accountability for their actions. More fun with chyrons which in this case was rather ironic considering the venue: "Prop-AGanda? Malkin: POTUS Using Children as Human Shields." Her statement about how Obama's action was "imperial" was laughable given that she was a strong supporter of President Bush's "imperial presidency." Malkin, not a clinician, said that she "considers this a form of child abuse" and "toxic" "political malpractice."
Brian Kilmeade interrupted her monologue by saying that he wasn't happy to see the NRA bringing up the president's children. (Props to him). Malkin continued to attack the president. After using the Latin term to accuse him of engaging in the practice of repeating something to the point that it's true, (Fox's MO!), she coined a clever Latin phrase to describe how the president is using the children to validate his position. More Cavuto Fox messaging: "The President's Gun Plan, Using Children to Push his Point?"
She then defended the NRA's ad with the president's children. With her trademark snarl, she yelled that if the Obama's "have no problem dragging their daughters in front of the cameras when they're arguing their own public policy" (WTF?) "Michelle Obama did it with health care." Her face contorted, Malkin yelled, "She talked about her daughter's BMI, blabbing about it" (Doocy chuckled) "for them to say you're not allowed in any shaper or talk about our children...hypocrisy." Gretchen said that it was "great" to see Malkin who "has an opinion on every issue of the day."
Wow - almost seven minutes of Malkin's toxicity with only two substantive questions. Meanwhile nobody mentioned that Malkin's beloved George W. Bush also had children present for various events including one in which he held children conceived from frozen embryos - an event during which he used these children to validate his veto of embryonic stem cell research - an issue very important to anti-choice Republicans who believe it destroys "life." And speaking of "life," not only do the anti-choicers, overwhelmingly GOP, take kids to the March on Washington but they are present in the crowds of crazies that harass those walking into women's clinics.
Talk about hypocrisy. Talk about a right wing "drool bucket." Just when I think that Ann Coulter is the most vile right wing woman on Fox, along comes Michelle Malkin.
Interesting Malkin fact - she once published the personal phone number of MSNBC's Chris Matthews.
Malkin’s too far gone for a screwdriver to help — in her case, we need Rick Deckard from Blade Runner to “retire” her . . .
He kept five people alive to try figuring out how to replicate that. The rest, he just killed… in a very, very horrible way.
Had never heard about Gene Roddenbery so looked him up. Have clearly remained stuck with the great Isaac Azimov (“I Robot”) The name of the film with the berserk computer called Hal escapes me right now.
Question: Is it better to have Presidential daughters dragged in front of the cameras when
A. discussing public policy [Obama’s]
B. falling-down drunk [Bush II’s]
I’m gonna go with (A)
Since, as per her own words, Malkin is a supposed journalist who “followed” the political use of children as props, isn’t it interesting that she painted it solely as a “time tested tactic used by the left”? How convenient that Malkin just couldn’t seem to recall that Bush used children as props (and soldiers too!) for his own political purposes. Notice that none of the 3 stooges took the opportunity to point out that the right has used that tactic too – nah, they just let Malkin report an untruth as fact. Looks like Malkin’s Obama Derangement Syndrome is keeping her so-called journalistic side from doing an honest job of reporting to the folks.
And just look at her when she says the word “cynically”. OMG, it was ugly the way she spat it out with all the contortions and it says everything about her – snide, unhinged and hateful.
I guess his parents simply didn’t thing the shotgun was sufficiently dangerous to be shut up in a locked cabinet.
The very fact that this debate is going on will hopefully open up the minds of people like them.
Sorry for shouting but the stupidity of some people really gets my goat, big time! Obama’s right: it’s money (NRA) and ratings (FNC), not the 2nd Amendment