You just can't make this up. A guy whose lucrative métier is based on personal attacks is now offering "tips" on how to be a better person. Yes, folks, it's non other than Bill O'Reilly who now has a nightly "tip of the day" during which O'Reilly proffers advice on stuff like Christmas (not Hanukkah) gifts and the good Karma of being nice to people which is rather ironic given that O'Reilly specializes in not being nice - a characteristic for which he was given a "Courage Award" by a hate group for his efforts in contributing to a climate of hate in which an abortion provider, whom O'Reilly dubbed a "killer," was murdered. Last night, this paragon of morality advised his viewers to be "magnanimous" - unlike that nasty Julianne Moore who, according to America's Daddy, took a "cheap shot" at Sarah Palin during Moore's acceptance speech at the Golden Globes. OH, the irony! OH, the hypocrisy!
O'Reilly began by reporting that Moore played Palin in the HBO move "Game Change" - a movie that, given its evisceration of Palin's 2008 vice-presidential campaign, is probably not one of Bill's favorites! His voice dripping with sarcasm, he added that Moore won "best actress" at the Goldennn Glooooobes. He then played video of her acceptance speech during which she magnanimously thanked a bunch of people before committing the most grievous sin of giving a "shout out to two people who, I think, made a significant difference in the 2008 election, Tina Fey and Katie Couric." Moore was obviously referencing Couric's interview which exposed Palin's lack of knowledge and intellectual curiosity - characteristics that were lampooned in Tina Fey's spot on SNL impersonation of Palin. While Fey's gentle satire probably didn't have much effect on the election, the Couric interview caused voters to take a second look at Palin who, up till that point, was a rising GOP star.
Bill, with his best avuncular affect, asked the viewers if "Ms. Moore's little cheap shot at Governor Palin there helps her" and if "it makes her look noble." (Oh, right O'Reilly. You looked so noble when you called Dr. Tiller a "baby killer" over 26 times!) But it gets better. He who is looking out for us advised Moore on "what she should have done."
He said - ready for it - that Moore "should have thanked Sarah Palin for her public service because that would have been magnanimous" which was Bill's word of the day. He ended with this bit of sagacity: "Whenever things are going your way, be generous in your comments."
As I said, you just can't make this up. As O'Reilly often tells us, he has a top rated show which allows him to make so much money that he threatened to stop doing it if taxes went up. (Hmmm, he's still on the air...). So things are going his way, yet he took cheap shots at low income people, women, and minorities when he claimed that they voted for President Obama because they want free stuff. But here's the thing, Moore didn't directly disparage Palin. She merely voiced her opinion that Fey and Couric made a difference in the 2008 election - a difference for which Moore was grateful.
But getting back to cheap shots. Bill didn't seem to have a problem when Palin accused then Senator Obama of "palling around with terrorists." OH, right. O'Reilly advanced that cheap shot. Did O'Reilly scold Palin when, in 2010, she took a cheap shot at Michelle Obama with the comment "You know, when I hear people say, or had said during the campaign that they've never been proud of America, haven't they met anybody in uniform yet?" Palin was referring to Michelle Obama's comment about how, in 2008, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." She was eviscerated by the right wing (including the usual suspects on Fox which specializes in cheap shooting) for this comment which was taken out of context. Even in 2012, the right wing cheap shots at Ms. Obama continue.
My word for the day is hypocrisy!
Ms. Quitty Pants public service probably should never be discussed in public.
Wonder how much crankier he’s gonna get when he comes in third?