Part of Bill O'Reilly's racial resentment is based in a lack of understanding of African-Americans which is shown in his belief that blacks voted for Obama strictly on the basis of race and because they want "free stuff. Bill just doesn't comprehend why blacks don't conform to his preconceived notions for them, such as when he was shocked that they have table manners. Recently, Bill used the words of a very controversial black minister to show his two black minister guests what they should be thinking, how they should vote, and why they should hate Planned Parenthood. Bill was taken aback when they disagreed with the views of the aforementioned pastor whose views were close to Bill's. Bill is clueless when it comes to black Americans. That he makes no attempt to get one, tells you all you need to know.
On the November 1st Factor, after Bill correctly predicted that the overwhelming majority of African-Americans would be supporting President Obama in the election, he reported that one black minister says that voting for Obama "is a terrible mistake." He then played a video of Bishop EW Jackson ranting about the "unholy alliance between certain so called civil rights leaders and Planned Parenthood which has killed unborn black babies by the tens of millions." He proceeded to trash Planned Parenthood with unsubstantiated lies about the "genocide" of the black community. He also said that equating the right to same sex marriage is an insult to intelligence and that no Christian should support it.
Before we proceed, a word about Jackson. He has said that gays are "very sick people psychologically, mentally, and emotionally and that those who support gay rights "have done more to kill black folks than the KKK." He thinks that Democrats "have an agenda worthy of the anti-Christ." He wants "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" to be reinstated. But those watching Bill O'Reilly wouldn't know that.
Bill introduced is two guests, occasional (and not enough) Fox religious contributor, Rev. Jacques DeGraff and Rev. Michael Walrond. Neither of them agreed with Jackson's comments. DeGraff said, regarding the election, that he believes that "African-Americans are intelligent enough to make the decision. He explained that "people like me who disagree with the party on abortion don't reject the party for this one plank" and that "this is not a choice between the Democratic Party and perfection; this is a choice between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party." O'Reilly noted that "abortion is a big plank."
Walrond disagreed with Jackson's position on same sex marriage and accused him of being "biased" and having "venomous" position." When O'Reilly pressed him on the Jackson's contention that gay marriage is not a civil rights issue, Walrond responded that "there's a problem when you begin to compare oppression." In discussing the economy, O'Reilly stated that a "vibrant economy based on capitalism" would benefit blacks. DeGraff countered with a comment about equality of opportunity (not a biggie in GOP circles) and how the "Jack Kemp" theories "don't happen in real life."
It was apparent that Bill was frustrated that these two black ministers didn't agree with him and the homophobic extremist, EW Jackson. His last word was a not so thinly disguised attempt to shame them: "I'm a Catholic and it's hard for me to see Jesus Christ walking into a Planned Parenthood clinic, other than to try and convert them." (Hey Bill, would Jesus approve of the screaming zealots who harass women trying to get into the clinics or the assassins, ginned up by Christianity, who assassinate abortion doctors? And speaking of which, would Jesus approve of your ongoing character assassination and slander directed towards the assassinated Dr. George Tiller?)
Walrond's response was an adroit and forceful put-down of O'Reilly: “I think it would also be difficult for Jesus to walk through communities that have been ravaged by poverty where policies that have been inflicted in the past upon poor people in this country..." Bill, who didn't let him finish, interjected "and that's why Christians are bound to help those people."
Once again, Bill O'Reilly showed us what a tolerant, open-minded Christian that he is. And like his satiric doppelganger Steven Colbert, he doesn't "see color." Ya think!
Everyone outside of Fox World knows her story, she’s only an icon in one civil rights movement, and an important supporter of another.
And Dave: I’m pretty torn up today… I’m flustered as hell.
Planned Parenthood was stated in the 1930âs in order to kill black babies.
Monica, It’s a good thing that it ain’t the 1930’s anymore.
They were never ‘stated’, whatever that means.
phrenolgy and shit like that was accepted at the time. You want to evolve, or be stuck in the past?
Killer sez
I know! I’ll see if I can get a few people I wouldn’t want in my neighborhood to attack PP and, and as usual, be innocent of any nasty repercussions! I’m so smart it hurts my head!
And I’m sorry- I know a lot of the hounds see boycotts as a first amendment grey area… but Bill’s semi-regular comments about how he thinks black people are parasites out to destroy America for their own gain?
What he’s preaching is hate speech and provocation- which I explained during the “Innocence of Muslims” debate are two of the only three out of bounds for free speech. Boycotts (or at least petitions) are fully justified here.
Why is O’Reilly so above that line, when Beck and Limbaugh weren’t for their equally disgusting out of bounds? If anything, he’s more subject, because there’s no disguising where he’s going with it. A good rep could spin Beck and Limbaugh into at least a grey area, there’s no context for this that puts Bill back in bounds.
My kinda Christians will help poor people, starting with washing down our home security fences.