As the mouthpiece for those Christian mouths who are singing hymns to the power and the glory of the Jesus loving, "traditional marriage" supporting Chick-fil-A, whilst inhaling large buckets of the this godly chicken, it's not surprising that Fox & Friends would be outraged by those nasty gay loving libruls who oppose the homophobic "family values" of this business. As on the other Fox programs that weighed in on this issue, the curvy couch potatoes feel that it's no big deal when an American business owner says that a segment of his fellow Americans are bringing God's wrath on God's country. And who better to add his Christian voice, on America's morning Jesus show, than the keen intellectual, noted polymath, and Christian joker (whoops comedian) Brad Stine. Fasten your seatbelts, you're in for a bumpy ride!
The title of the Fox video asks if the "Chick-fil-A boycott is un-American." Christian warrior princess Gretchen Carlson opened with a lie with her statement that "mayors from across the country are refusing to allow any new Chick-fil-A after the company president says he doesn't support gay marriage." A picture of four Democratic mayors, who have problems with Chick-fil-A, was shown.
Fact Check time - 1) The mayors oppose not just the Chick-fil-A's president's statement on gay marriage. They are offended that this restaurant provides monetary support to groups that oppose equal rights for gays. 2) They are not "refusing" to allow new Chick-fil-A's to be built in their cities. Tom Menino, mayor of Boston, "backed away from a threat to actively block the fast-food chain" from setting up in Boston. Rahm Emmanuel, mayor of Chicago, while opposing the "values" of Chick-fil-A "backed away from a threat to actively block the fast-food chain from setting up shop in the city." Ed Lee, mayor of San Francisco, has not stated that he would attempt to block the restaurant but tweeted that he recommends that the restaurant not come to San Francisco. Vincent Gray, mayor of WashingtonDC said that he opposes the "hate chicken" but cannot legally bar them."
Good Christian Steve Doocy scrunched up his face when he spluttered that Mayor Gray calls Chick-fil-A "hate chicken" and asked if it was hypocritical because Dan Cathy was just expressing his freedom of speech. (Right, and it's Gray's freedom of speech to refer to the chicken, of a homophobic organization, as "hate chicken.") Good Christian Brian Kilmeade introduced "God's Comic" Brad Stine. Good Christian Gretch continued to lie (that's a sin, Gretch) when she asked Stine what he thought of these mayor who want to "ban and boycott" Chick-fil-A. (See above fact check).
Stine is "bothered" because the mayors are disregarding the First Amendment and that the Cathy family are "beautiful people." After he and the gang effused on the greatness of the chicken, he said that it's "about words" and in the good old days, traditional marriage was just called marriage that was between a man and a woman. As he spoke the chyron framed the Christian anti-gay marriage message: "Traditional Marriage Targeted, What Happened to Freedom of Speech?" (Nobody is targeting Christian marriage but Christians are targeting gay marriage!) He then mocked how gays have taken a word, that used to be about fun, to identify themselves. Cathy's "right to his conscience" was invoked by a wildly gesticulating Stine.
After having initially claimed that all these mayors are "refusing" to allow Chick-fil-A in their cities, Gretch reported that Mayor Menino, "got the message" and took back his comment. Stine agreed that "they" did "take it back" and added that Cathy "doesn't hate gays" (But he contributes to homophobic hate groups so your point is....) but "that he has certain values as a religious person."
Video of Brad Stine's latest DVD, featuring his comedic stylings, was shown during which macho man Stine "joked" that California is "the most wussified state." Stine advised viewers how to obtain a copy of this must have example of comedic genius from a comic who says he "stands up for God, country, and tear down political correctness every time I can."
As on the other Fox shows that discussed the Chick-fil-A controversy, Dan Cathy was shown as just a simple, Christian man who was just exercising his free speech. Once again, Cathy's quote and connections to homophobic organizations were not mentioned. As such, no context was provided as to why there is so much opposition to the "values" of Chick-fil-A. But it's ironic, don't ya think, that Fox & Friends had no problem with Christians boycotting JC Penny because it chose the lesbian Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson. Wonder how they would react to a business owning Muslim who made public statements about Christians were going to hell. But yes, the First Amendment is important. It allows Tom Monaghan to be anti-abortion while it allows me to avoid Domino's Pizza. (It sucks, anyway). It also allows Brad Stine to express his homophobic opinion. Oh right, he's "God's Comic" so it's all good, praise Jesus and Fox & Friends!
’Cuz yer all idiots, Ricky Retardo!
We want all the masses to post this burning question to all social media, newspapers, blogs, radio, etc.
“Don’t you found it odd that Republicans are more concerned about a restaurant than jobs in America?”
Republicans don’t care about you. Their priorities are focused on a chicken restaurant. Does that make sense to you? This is a snap shot of what is coming down the pipe with the Republican Party.
Don’t spend your money on hate.
Yep, as per most of the conservative talk I’ve heard about the Chick-fil-a matter, there was no discussion about some of the anti-gay groups to which the Chick-fil-a money goes to (which is why so many people are deciding to spend their lunch money elsewhere). If you want to hear the rest of the story, folks have to search out the truth elsewhere as they aren’t going to get it from FOX “news”.