Bill O'Reilly mourns the demise of the white, male, Christian power structure - those halcyon days when these men were free to discriminate against women and women had no legal recourse because patriarchy ruled. So there's rich irony in Bill's concern about the non-existent issue of sex selection abortion - given that these abortions are the product of societies with the kind of gender inequalities that were part of the society to which Bill wants to return and which still exist today. Bill's fondness for the "good old days" extends to his desire to insert himself (metaphorically speaking) in the uteri of American women who, in Bill's ideal world, would be faced with the option of carrying a pregnancy to term, regardless of the circumstance, or having a dangerous illegal abortion. As such, he has no problem promoting the agenda of the radical anti-choice movement, including the "sting" videos of James O'Keefe protégé Lila Rose who wants, as does Bill, to see Planned Parenthood destroyed and all abortion criminalized. She would be a minor player, known only to the extreme fringes of "pro-life" activism, if not for Bill providing her with a national and supportive platform on his show. "No spin zone" indeed!
Last night, Bill's "follow-up" segment was about - drum roll please - Lila's latest video. Bill provided his gal pal Lila with more free PR by playing a segment of her sting video in which an Arizona employee of an abortion clinic (not Planned Parenthood) appears to coach one of Lila's actors about how to get around the Arizona law banning sex selection abortions. As the law applies to actual abortions, there doesn't seem to anything illegal happening. If anything, it shows how easy it will be for women to get around the law when they figure out that all they have to do is lie about the reason for their abortions.
Anyway, Bill explained that this clinic is part of the National Abortion Federation which, according to Bill, "has close ties to Planned Parenthood." He then introduced his only guest, Mary Davenport, who like Bill, is Catholic and very "pro-life" and opposed to late term abortion so no bias here, nosirreeee. After she described the purpose of the National Abortion Federation, Bill seemed aghast that "the abortion industry has a lobbying group." (Meanwhile, the Catholic bishops, who are focused on abortion and birth control issue, are one of the most well funded lobbying groups in DC.) He cited the number of abortions performed in theUS. (As if it's his any of his business) and asked Davenport how many doctors perform them. When she didn't have any updated date, he asserted a study needs to be done. (FYI, Bill, there's one less, thanks, in part, to you?)
He mentioned "the three" Lila Rose videos in which the counselor says "just don't tell me." Bill lied. The Arizona video was the only one in which that was an issue because, in the other states, sex selection abortion is legal. He wanted to know if "that's going on all over the place." Davenport cited "recent studies" of ethnic groups where this is supposedly happening. Bill blithered that "this is going on, you have the underage thing." Bill lied. Lila Rose's videos did not prove that Planned Parenthood is abetting illegal underage abortion. Bill then opined that "this is an unsavory thing...I just get the feeling that this whole industry" and asked Davenporthow she saw it. She spoke about her "conversion" to being pro-life.
So Bill thinks that physicians who are performing a safe and legal medical procedure are involved in an "unsavory" practice. Really? What's really unsavory is the thought that if Bill, Lila, and Mary get their way, rich women, many of them Catholic, will still be able to access abortion while poor women will die from attempt to self-abort or from "back-alley" abortions. What's really "unsavory" is that a guy who was accused of sexually harassing an employee and whose phone sex conversations are a matter of pubic records would support laws that would take us back to the days when women were treated as breeding stock. Talk about a war on women!