Someone at Fox Latin America apparently thought that asking whether or not the Jews killed Jesus Christ was a good way to drum up interest in an upcoming National Geographic Christmas special.
As Mediaite reported, a Fox Latin America staffer set up a poll on Facebook asking, "Who Do You Think Is Responsible For The Death of Christ?"
The choices were:
A. Pontius Pilate
B. Jewish People
C. High Priests
Not surprisingly, the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Buenos Aires was outraged at Fox, as AP reported, for "perpetuat(ing) an idea that the Vatican annulled back in 1965."
A Fox Latin America spokeswoman has apologized, said the poll has been removed and that "measures have been taken to prevent such incidents in the future."
I don't know what "measures have been taken" for the future but I do know that bigotry is regularly tolerated, if not encouraged, on Fox News. So It's no surprise that such obvious bigotry would pop up on another Fox outlet.