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FOX Guests Says Mafia More Patriotic Than Democrats

Reported by Ellen - March 27, 2009 -

Our friends at Media Matters got this one on video. FOX & Friends hosted a former mob member to compare Washington (i.e. Democrats) to the Mafia. My favorite moment: right after the former Mafia guest compares the Obama administration to the mob, Gretchen Carlson said casually, "So let's talk a little bit more about Tim Geithner." Just then, a "Godfather" type graphic, obviously at the ready, appeared on the screen with the "question:" "All in the family?"

But this Mafioso-turned-political-analyst said George Soros is the one he really worries about.

Brian Kilmeade suggested Soros caused the economic downturn in order to make money at his hedgefund.

Mr. Mafia wondered why Democrats associate with Soros and added, "One thing about mob guys, we were pretty patriotic."

Despicable, even by FOX News standards.

Thanks to reader Rocky for watching FOX & Friends so we didn't have to.