Neil Cavuto, Fox's "Business News" Guru, Ignores an "Emergency Move" by the Federal Reserve
Reported by Melanie - March 16, 2008 -
Earlier today (March 16, 2008), the Federal Reserve, "in emergency decisions aimed at containing a crisis of confidence in the U.S. financial system, cut the rate on direct loans to commercial banks and opened up borrowing at the rate to securities firms."
The Federal Reserve cut rates in an EMERGENCY DECISION on a Sunday?! What the hay?
So, what did Neil Cavuto, the managing editor of business news for the FOX News Channel say about that big, breaking (this is a FOX NEWS ALERT) news? Nothing.
UPDATE - March 17, 2008 - 9:57 p.m. ET - Cavuto still doesn't have anything about this on his site.