FOX show blatantly snubs Republican candidate Ron Paul in Florida primary coverage
Reported by Chrish - January 29, 2008 -
FOX and Friends this morning had multiple segments devoted to Republicans and the ongoing Florida primary today 1/29/08. Noticeably missing from their coverage was candidate Ron Paul, whose libertarian, anti-war platform is not condoned by the message-masters at FOX.
With video.
Ron Paul's face appeared in a graphic of the candidates, twice, but his name, his standing, his supporters, his platform - not mentioned in the two-hour program.
FOX Friends interviewed candidate Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee backer Chuck Norris, Mitt Romney backer Liz Cheney (his new Senior Foreign Policy Advisor - think about that) , and John McCain backer (Florida Governor) Charlie Crist. People who could have been interviewed as backers of Dr. Paul include Michael Badnarik, the 2004 Libertarian Party candidate for President, Former US Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr., Howard Stern, Andrew Sullivan, Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, and "Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade fame.
FOX wrote Ron Paul off some time ago and as information gatekeepers have not kept viewers informed about his alternative positions. "We report, you decide?" Only if "we" approve your message.