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Bill O'Reilly Wants Apology From David Letterman

Reported by Deborah - January 24, 2008 -

Bill O'Reilly is still steaming because John Edwards and David Letterman talked about him on Letterman's show the other night. The total exchange between Edwards and Letterman amounted to a few sentences which is nothing compared to the nasty repeat attacks O'Reilly has heaved on John Edwards in recent months. Nevertheless. BOR was playing the hurt little boy tonight with Jane Hall and Bernie Goldberg, whining to his emotional support duo that he was " trashed" wondering if Letterman should or would apologize if he went back on the show. 1/24/07 with video

O'Reilly complained to Goldberg that Letterman had previously disregarded the truth after an incident involving Al Franken. It seems Bill went on Letterman with a deed to his childhood home to prove that Franken had lied when he claimed that he never lived in Levittown. BOR whined that Letterman didn't believe the deed was real. " He doesn't care!", he complained in amazement.

Goldberg had a predictable response soothing Bill with the claim that Letterman has "O'Reilly Derangement Syndrome" adding the charge that liberals aren't responsible. (Goldberg needs some new material) Jane Hall remained perched on the fence saying things like. " He should have challenged him" and the Letterman Show "isn't 60 minutes".

Determined to keep the conversation all about O'Reilly, Bill asked if he should go on Letterman's show claiming almost proudly that he had been invited. Hall encouraged little boy Bill to confront Letterman and Goldberg told him, " Go on and be the gentleman."

Still needing to whine, he reminded them that Letterman doesn't care adding that previously Letterman said " 60% of what you say is crap". Then BOR complained that if he went on Letterman, he would be entering " the don't care zone".

comment: Bill O'Reilly really wants people to like him yet he continuously does everything he can think of to alienate everyone. He thinks Letterman owes him an apology but won't even consider that he owes John Edwards one after all the horrendous things he's said about him. Bill O'Reilly's psychological issues are profoundly self destructive making him a tragic figure doomed to live without the acceptance he craves.