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O'Reilly Gives Jet Blue Extra Special Attention

Reported by Deborah - July 19, 2007 -

Jet Blue has been getting Bill O'Reilly's trademark special attention since Monday night when he started his campaign to punish them for sponsoring the YearlyKos Convention. First he made a senseless connection between Jet Blue and George Soros on Monday and last night he had two guests relating their ordeals while stuck for hours on waiting planes. Although Jet Blue has been responsible for major runway nightmares, he opened the segment mentioning Jet Blue to suggest it was one of the offending airlines to be discussed when actually the guests had flown with Delta and American.

One of the guests described the horrors of being stuck on the runway for four hours on a Delta flight without adequate air, water, or food .One of the passengers passed out and was carried off while the others were trapped by the airline regulations.

Kate Hanni, the other guest, has been working to get an adequate airline bill of rights. She claimed the one in place now is watered down. O'Reilly urged her to name the legislators holding things up and of course she names a Democrat, James Oberstar ,D-MN

It turned out , however, that Oberstar offered her help after hearing her testimony about being stuck for nine hours on what appeared to be a Jet Blue flight but turned out to be American. Oberstar told Hanni, " If the airlines don't fix this. I will." She was annoyed because nothing had been done. Of course, O'Reilly assumed the fixer role and offered to call Senators Lott and Rockefeller to encourage them to drop their opposition as if one call from him will do the trick.

On Monday during the ridiculous items segment, O'Reilly revealed with a joyous " A Ha!", that George Soros was one of the original Jet Blue investors. Then he announced that Soros had recently sold off most of his stock adding that maybe Soros knows something we don't. Pretty riculous and pointless for sure.

comment: Perhaps Jet Blue's CEO should have confessed when Bill O'Reilly's deputy inquisitor ambushed him for a statement about his involvement with DailyKos. It would have been so easy to just fall on his knees begging for forgiveness for his unforgivable crime of sponsoring the YearlyKos Convention. He could have thrown in a few flight passes for O'Reilly's premium members to sweeten the deal and begged to appear on The Factor for a thorough humiliation. Because he chose silence, O'Reilly must make him pay.