Another O'Reilly Ambush In Boulder, Colorado
Reported by Deborah - May 29, 2007 -
Boulder High School is now the focus of Bill O'Reilly's new crusade so naturally he had his travelling producer, Jesse Waters, fly out to Boulder to ambush the three latest victims trying to make them look like evil, uncaring monsters. It seems O'Reilly didn't like a recent assembly by The Conference on World Affairs at the High School dealing with Sex and Drugs so he decided to lay blame on Dr. George Garcia, School Superintendent, Bud Jenkins, Principal and Dr. Helayne Jones. 5/29/07 with video
Dr. George Garcia was the first ambush shown and it appeared to be in a wooded spot away from the school. Garcia seemed genuinely surprised to see Waters and crew on the wooded road and it seemed like he was having trouble closing his car door when Waters was shouting questions at him.
Then Dr Helayne Jones encountered Waters in her garage as she was trying to enter her house. She threatened to call the police as he seemed to be following her to the door leading from the garage into her home. Waters behavior was extremely intrusive and somewhat frightening as he appeared ready to force his way into her private space and was already trespassing by being inside her garage.
Princvipal Bud Jenkins was approached in the school parking lot which seemed almost acceptable after the others but was still totally objectionable in a school setting.
Dr. George Garcia refused to answer Waters' accusations telling him to read his statement on his website. O'Reilly didn't even consider doing that so here is Dr Garcia's statement.
O'Reilly continued his tirade bringing in the great S-P menace threatening to take over the country. Tonight he had a map, believe it or not, with all the evil S-P spots pinpointed.
comment: O'Reilly needs to be stopped. This situation at Boulder High School is an internal issue which has been handled carefully and thouroughly by the school administration. O'Reilly has no right to demonize these educators so he can look like a great crusader. He has no right to follow them to their homes and walk into their garages for soundbites. Where's the outrage from FOXNews and who's paying for all those Factor ambush trips? O'Reilly is out of control and FNC better take a serious look at the potential problems connected with his meltdown.