How Will Fox Handle The Fact That One of its Own - Steve Forbes - Has Joined the Giuliani Campaign?
Reported by Melanie - March 28, 2007 -
Steve Forbes, of Forbes magazine, is a fixture on Fox News. He is a regular on Your World w/Neil Cavuto. Fox named one of its Saturday morning "business news" shows after him -- "Forbes on Fox" -- where he is also a regular.
Today during Your World, there was a FOX NEWS ALERT and Cavuto broke in to say, "This is a FOX NEWS ALERT. You know, he once ran for president, now he has his man for president in 2008. Steve Forbes formally endorsing Rudy Giuliani for the White House and joining the campaign as national co-chair and senior policy advisor."
(My emphasis.)
With that, Forbes came on for a three or four minute segment to talk about what a "perfect" president Giuliani would be. During his interview, Fox identified Forbes in the chyron at the bottom of the screen as an advisor to Giuliani and as a being from "Forbes on Fox."
Comment: Will Fox now bar Forbes from appearing on its "business news" shows until the outcome of Giuliani's campaign is known? If not, will Fox religiously identify Forbes as the "co-chair" of Giuliani's campaign and as Giuliani's "senior policy advisor?" How will Fox let its audience know that everything Forbes says from now on will be geared toward putting Rudy Giuliani in the White House? How will Fox let its audience know that Forbes now has a very significant agenda, not the least of which might be his own potential cabinet appointment, to, say, Secretary of the Treasury?