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Democrats: Friends or Foes of the Middle Class?

Reported by Marie Therese - January 8, 2007 -

I swear there must have been a full moon last Saturday! The financial shows on FOX went from bad to worse. In the fourth and final installment (thank goodness! my hands are about to fall off from typing), the Cashin' In crew discussed whether or not Democrats will be "Friends or Foes" of the middle class. Video follows.

But, first, a couple of quotes to whet your appetite.

JONATHAN HOENIG, hedge fund manager, CapitalistPig.com: "I think that to the extent that [the Democrats] preference any group - middle class, blacks, hispanics, women - I think they're enemies to us all. I mean, this country was founded on the principle of equal treatment for all. The government's role is to protect each of our individual rights. Doesn't matter what group we belong to. And I'm sorry. I don't care if you're poor and work at Wal-Mart. You have no more or less rights than a rich hedge fund manager. That includes not having the right to health care, education or whatever entitlement Nancy Pelosi wants to dream up."

CHARLES PAYNE, WStreet.com: "Well, listen. Here's the deal. Ever since the French revolution, the western governments have had trouble appeasing the middle class, you know. And the Democrats, I think, are really playing up this politics of envy, sort of to Jonathan's point and it's really dangerous. First of all, it's divisive. But, it's actually dangerous to say we're going to go after one class of people because they're successful and try to reward other classes of people because they're not successful."

N. B. Jonas Max Ferris and Dagen McDowell are husband and wife, something FOX News does not disclose during the show.