Fox Shows Murtha As Being Anti War - Period
Reported by Donna - November 13, 2006 -
Thanks to one of our readers, Tobi and fellow News Hound, Marie Therese, for the heads up on an upcoming segment on the Jane Skinner Show in which Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) was going to endorse Rep. John Murtha for Majority Leader in the House.
I'm sure the story was probably run on Jane Skinner show but it was also featured on the Studio B show with Shepard Smith. Smith spoke with Major Garret regarding this.
Smith said after the election Nancy Pelosi was putting her support behind one of the war's strongest critics to become the House Majority Leader "His record is staunchly conservative, he is anti war, no doubt."
Nancy Pelosi is supporting John Murtha and here was her statement;
"Your strong voice for national security, the war on terror and Iraq provides genuine leadership for our party, and i count on you to continue to lead on these vital issues. For this and for all you have done for Demcorats in the past and especially this last year, I am pleased to support your candidacy for majority leader for the 110th Congress."
Steny Hoyer is the minority whip and the competition for Murtha.
Comment; First of all, John Murtha is not anti war, he is a hawk. He is against the way this war in Iraq is being run. For Smith to say he was anti war, no doubt, is a false statement, this is a man who supported many wars including the Iraq war when it began. He now does not support our soldiers fighting the civil war that is going on in Iraq. Perhaps Smith should figure out the difference between being anti war and being anti civil war in Iraq.