Fox is Spinning the Notion that Negotiating With Iran & Syria re Iraq is a "Trap" Set by Democrats
Reported by Melanie - November 13, 2006 -
Michael Reagan, a son of the former president, a radio talk show host and a frequent guest on Your World w/Neil Cavuto, opened Cavuto's "business news" show today (November 13, 2006). Reagan was full of dire warnings about the Democrats who are "about to take over this government." He said they're going to "basically undermine the very economy we have and then find a way to blame the President in 2008," and cause "Iraq to fail" because they "don't want this president to get the credit for ending the war."
Reagan cited the suggestion that the Bush administration open talks with Iran and Syria as an example of the ways in which Democrats are trying to set Bush up for failure. Problem is, the Iraq Study Group seems to have made that suggestion and in fact, the White House itself hinted over the weekend that it might do just that.
Facts and a "news anchor" who calls his guests on lies be damned, here's Reagan's rant:
[W]hat they're [Democrats] going to do is set up situations -- straw dogs. I mean, negotiating with Iran and Syria to bring some kind of peace to Iraq is OUTRAGEOUS! And so they put that forward and then the president of the United States, hopefully, is smart enough to understand this is not the direction to go and then find a way to blame the president. If he only would have sat down with Iran and Syria, we would have had peace by now but because he didn't, we still are in fact at war. He can't get caught in those kinds of traps because he wants to end the war in Iraq, and I'm afraid Murtha and Pelosi and Alcee Hastings and Leahy might lead in that direction.
Comment: Talk about "straw dogs." Looks like the Republicans have launched a blame the Democrats campaign like none other.