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B Boys Not Happy About Diplomacy With North Korea

Reported by Deborah - July 8, 2006 -

Today on Beltway Boys both Mort Kondracke and Fred Barnes criticized Bush. This kind of thing never happens on Beltway Boys where loyalty to George Bush is fanatical especially from Fred Barnes. Today, however, Barnes seemed mildly frustrated by the way Bush is handling North Korea while Kondracke got pretty extreme, at least by B Boy standards. 7/8/06

After a clip showing Bush once again explaining that diplomacy takes time, Barnes sounding exasperated said,
"We can't wait forever." Then he complained that we can't give North Korea what they want blaming Democrats, of course, for pushing Bush into using diplomacy which makes us look like "the bad guy".

Mort Kondracke's response was unexpected and pretty amusing. Offering what he called "dramatic criticism" of the Bush press conference in Chicago Kondracke said, " I thought he looked goofy." A clip was shown of Bush joking around with a reporter trying to charm the press. This favorite campaign tactic most definitely came off as goofy. Kondracke while he liked the idea of diplomacy didn't think Bush appeared strong enough" pleading for patience."

comment: I wonder if Ailes told the Boys to spice things up?