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Ann Coulter Endorses Joe Lieberman

Reported by Melanie - June 22, 2006

Urges him to "come all the way and be a Republican."

On June 8, I wrote that if Ann Coulter appeared again on Your World w/Cavuto I wouldn't post about it. I vowed not to give her the attention she craves, yet here I am, breaking my promise already. My bad but hey, I think this is more about Joe Lieberman than Ann Coulter.

Here's what Coulter said about Joe Lieberman today on Your World in a discussion with Neil Cavuto about today's defeat of the two Democratic proposals to set a timetable to withdraw from Iraq.

Cavuto: "What did you make of Hillary Clinton saying we can't have an open-ended policy but by the same token we have to have a sense of closure for this?"

A sarcastic Coulter: "Um, yes. There's a clear position. There's something to run on."

Cavuto: "So, you would admire more, at least, the politician who says 'timetable to get out' than going back and forth?"

Coulter: "No. I would admire a politician, not as much as basically your run of the mill, garden variety Republican, but as far as Democrats go, like Lieberman, who apparently does want to defend America and fight the war on terrorism. He's the one facing a primary fight."

Cavuto. "You know, there is talk about him maybe bolting to a third party, and that the seeds are there for a third party movement. Do you buy that?"

Coulter: "I think he should just come all the way and become a Republican. He wouldn't be our best Republican but at least he'd fit in with the party that wants to defend the country."

Comment: If there was ever any doubt that Joe Lieberman is in the wrong party, let this be the nail on the head of that fantasy. If Ann Coulter endorses you, that should be a big, big wake-up call (Joe, the phone's ringing) that you're a goner when it comes to standing up for Democratic values. Go be a Republican Joe. Come out of the closet, fess up to your constituents and make it official.

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