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Dick Cheney Denies "Last Throes", Special Report Goes to Bat

Reported by Janie - June 20, 2006

Dick Cheney's infamous "last throes" line has been emblazoned in the minds of people throughout the world, coming to characterize an Administration that has repeatedly, and almost cartoonishly, been wrong in virtually every decision and estimation regarding the war in Iraq. Now, Cheney has realized this particular line has made the Administration somewhat of a laughing stock, but rather than simply admit history has proven him wrong, he is attempting to rewrite history by claiming he meant something completely different. Fox, of course, has once again proven the happy enabler.

During a segment on last night's "Special Report" (6/19), Fox News Correspondent Mike Emmanuel claimed, "The Vice President also defended his comment from last year, that the Iraqi insurgency was 'in its final throes'. The Vice President said he was referring to the series of events when Iraqis increasingly took over responsibility for their affairs." This was followed by a clip of Cheney trying to explain his initial comment.

According to Bloomberg, during the event held at the National Press Club, Cheney was asked if he stands by those comments:

"Asked if he still believed the insurgency was in its final throes, as he said in a CNN interview on May 31, 2005, Cheney said, ``I do.'' He cited election of an interim government, a constitutional referendum and parliamentary elections in December that established a unity government as evidence the insurgency is being pushed to the margins."

Cheney's original remarks had nothing to do with elections, a unity government, or a Constitution. Cheney stated he was discussing a "military standpoint", and clearly declared the "insurgency" to be in its "last throes" meaning by all definitions that the attacks would cease shortly:

"'I think we may well have some kind of presence there over a period of time,' Cheney said. 'The level of activity that we see today from a military standpoint, I think, will clearly decline. I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.'

Fox refused to make that distinction and declined to air video or provide the transcript of the original remarks, leaving the viewer with nothing more than Cheney's talking points without dissecting or challenging them.

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