Scotty McClellan Always Has To Explain Bush's Words And Fox Is Happy To Comply
Reported by Donna - January 24, 2006
It's always amusing to watch Fox try and explain the words of President Bush. Today on Studio B with Shepard Smith the segment was on how ill prepared this administration was for the Katrina hurricane and the complete disaster that followed.
Apparently a mock hurricane simulation was done a year before Katrina, using hurricane Pam (a simulated hurricane) to stage what would happen to New Orleans if a Category 3 hurricane where to hit New Orleans. So, on Capitol Hill today many legislaters took exception to the fact that Bush said, "I don't think anyone anticipated a breach of the levees."
But, of course, Scotty McClellan had an excuse ready and Fox was anxious that it be heard. Apparently McClellan said that the reason that Bush said those words was because the levees didn't give when the hurricane first passed over the region. (Comment: Oh yeah, the simulation from a year before and meteroroligists for days predicting a horrific Category 3, 4 or 5 hurricane meant nothing?)
Comment: Isn't it nice to have someone ready to explain your words all of the time? They had the simulation from a year before Katrina. They also had days knowing this monster hurricane was coming and would most likely hit the New Orleans region. They also had a president, completely unaware, who stayed on vacation for a couple of days into the tragedy. But, he had no idea the levees would give when they had all of this information in front of them? Everything that was predicted became reality. As one Republican Senator said, how can we expect to be ready for an attack we don't see coming?
It kind of reminds you of the PDB that President Bush read on August 6, 2001, more than a month before 9/11. The briefing, titled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States' which was posed casually by Condileeza Rice as if it meant nothing.
How much incompetence will McClellan and Fox try to smooth over? Maybe the question should be, how much more incompetence will the American people stand for and when will the president be held responsible? Does anyone have confidence in this president protecting us anymore?