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2005 in Review: Top Ten Lists from a Year of Watching the FOX

Reported by Marie Therese - January 1, 2006

Happy New Year to one and all from VERY soggy northern California! For our New Year's edition, I was going to write up a lengthy and erudite post entitled "Bill O'Reilly's War on Christmas as a Metaphor for the Right-Wing Agenda." However, Mother Nature intervened. The lights went out yesterday, the result of damage from the awful storms that have battered California this past week. (As I write this a fourth storm is dumping even more water into our overloaded streams and hillsides. And there's a fifth one on the way! Those of us who are old-timers contend these rains are worse than those that caused the Great Flood of 1982!) To make a long story short - there will be no long-winded, overly analytical post. Instead, here are some Top Ten lists culled from the 276 posts (gasp!) I wrote in 2005. Thank you for supporting News Hounds in its quest for truth, justice - and a better media pundit!

#10 O'Reilly: American Businesses Should Kneel and Thank Jesus (278 comments)

#9 O'Reilly: It Was Just a "Satirical Riff" And, Oh Yeah, Just to Set the Record Straight, San Franciscans Who Voted Against Recruiting Are Traitors (286 comments)

#8 O'Reilly: "FOX News, ABC and CNN have the common sense to put the safety of the nation over freedom of the press ..." (323 comments)

#7 O'Reilly: Marine Who Killed Iraqi in a Mosque Should Be Promoted (350 comments)

#6 O'Reilly Vilifies the University of Hawaii, Interviews Brother of 9/11 Victim (351 comments)

#5 Dance of the Conservative Ice Maidens: FOX's Dagen McDowell Tells Ann Coulter to "Cut Him Off!" (381 comments)

#4 Verbal Donnybrook on the Factor - Donahue KOs O'Reilly (389 comments)

#3 "Woe Is Me"! Big Bully O'Reilly Tells Viewers to Boycott Dallas Morning News Because A Columnist Was Mean to Him (409 comments)

#2 O'Reilly: CIA Prison Planes Good, New York Times Bad (452 comments)

#1 The Cavalry Came Too Late While FEMA Denied Water to NOLA (549 comments)

Top Ten: Least Number of Comments

#10 Al Jazeera For Sale? (8 comments)

#9 David Hunt & Juan Williams: What Planet Do These Guys Live On? (7 comments)

#8 A Slight Departure from Reality (7 comments)

#7 Robert Greenwald Announces His New Film (6 comments) - This one surprised me, since Robert's new movie has done a great job of focussing attention on the abysmal labor practices of the world's largest retailer!

#6 Regnery's Marji Ross: Free Market Guru or Bird in a Gilded Cage? (5 comments)

#5 Watch the Big Media Hall of Shame Video Online, Then Vote (5 comments)

#4 FOX News Sunday: Condoleezza Rice Interview (4 comments)

#3 The Ghost of Reagan Past: FOX Conjures Up PATCO Strike (4 comments)

#2 Roger Ailes: Conservative Values, Barbed Wit & Killer Instinct (2 comments)

#1 News Hounds Traded on Interactive Stock Market (2 comments)

Top Ten Stories on The O'Reilly Factor in 2005

#10 A Nefarious Albeit Small Group of Christian-Hating Activists Is Out to Destroy Christmas

#9 There Is Always Going to Be Poverty and the American Taxpayer Should Not Have His or Her Taxes Used to Pay for Taking Care of Something That Will Be With Us Forever

#8 Hordes of Unwashed, Illiterate Mexican Immigrants Are Coming Across Our Borders and Threatening the American Way of Life - They Must be Stopped at All Costs

#7 American Universities Are Populated by Extreme Left-Wing Radicals Who Are Polluting the Minds of Our Impressionable Young People

#6 Intelligent Design Is Really, Truly Intelligent

#5 Torture - er - "Coerced Interrogation" - Including Waterboarding Is Absolutely Necessary to Defend This Country Against Anyone President George W. Bush Designates As a Terrorist

#4 We Must All Trust the Government - Just Like Bill O'Reilly, It Only Has Your Best Interests at Heart

#3 We must Save Little Children from Sexual Predators by Passing Jessica's Law in All 50 States - Any State or Politician That Does Not Hop on the Bandwagon Is a de facto Lover of Molesters and Is, Therefore, Rotten to the Core

#2 The ACLU Should Be Declared a Terrorist Organization and All of Its Members Incarcerated or, Better, Put Up Against a Wall and Shot

#1 The Factor's Number 1 in Cable Ratings! The Factor's Number 1 in Cable Ratings! So Anyone Who Opposes Me Is Either a Fool or a Left-Wing Traitor - Thus Sayeth the O'Reilly.

A Dollop of Trivia

As some of our readers already know, "Marie" is not my first name. Since two of the News Hounds shared the first name of Chris and we did not want to duplicate, I opted to use the French version of my middle two names (just a little jab at FOX's francophobes!)

So let me wish all of you, once again, a very


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