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Website Illustration Tips Fox's Hand

Reported by Nancy - December 20, 2005 -

I previously posted, not once but twice about Sunday night's special hosted by Brit Hume entitlee "Religion in America: Church & State" This will be my final post on that program (promise!). See if you don't agree that this illustration deserves an entry all its own.

If there was any doubt about which religion FNC was promoting, take a look at the illutration that accompanied the story on the foxnews.com website:


Comments: Looks like some religions are more equal than others, doesn't it? FOX News isn't happy unless there's a war -- & if there isn't one, they just make it up as they go along.

If you'd like to complain to Fox about this, email: [email protected]

NOTE TO READERS: Please stay on topic (this illustration & what it reveals about Fox's agenda). O/T comments will be deleted. Thanks.