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Another Day, Another O'Reilly Factor Bash Fest

Reported by Marie Therese - October 18, 2005

Yesterday [October 17, 2005] was just another day of hyperbole, whining, race-baiting and distortion on the O'Reilly Factor.

Theme 1: Out-of-Control African-Americans
O'Reilly led off the show by using his Talking Points Memo and first segment to cover the mayhem that occurred during an American Nazi Party March in Toledo, Ohio last Saturday. Local officials lay blame for the violence at the feet of some gang members.

COMMENT: Mr. O can spout all he wants, but, in my opinion, he structures his depictions of African-Americans in such a way as to suggest that - with a very few exceptions - they are lawless, violent, raping, good-for-nothing murdering looters. Period. It makes me sick to my stomach.

During Hurricane Katrina, O'Reilly was on his bully pulpit every single night, ranting and raving against the looters, demanding that video tapes be checked and every single person shown taking something from a store or destroying property should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Has he ever once APOLOGIZED to the stranded residents of NOLA, now that we know that the incidents he described so vividly never happened? I think hell will freeze over before that happens. Like so many of his kind, he is convinced that the very act of saying "I'm sorry" to someone he considers his inferior diminishes his machismo.

Theme 2: Anti-American Lefties
Bill O'Reilly: A small, powerful minority of lefties "hate Bush so much that they put that hatred above the good of the country and this explains why there hasn't been more extended coverage of the Iraqi election." Guest Newt Gingrich: There are fewer right-wing opponents of the war than left-wing opponents of the Iraq war and those left-wingers "are uncomfortable with America standing up for freedom."

O'Reilly: "I know there are people actively rooting against the USA - they want the USA to lose and be humiliated in Iraq. Now, they won't admit it - very few will admit it,. OK? But that's the way they feel. And when I see it, it just drives me crazy."

COMMENT: A nice loud Bronx cheer to you both!

Theme 3: Anti-American Foreigners
Newt Gingrich: The Nobel Prize Committee hates America because they gave the prize in literature to outspoken liberal Harold Pinter. "It was just a chance to slap at the U.S."

Theme 4: Gas and Energy Prices Effect on Bush
O'Reilly: A comprehensive energy policy has not happened "because both the Clinton and Bush administration didn't want to go up against Big Oil and the car companies. ... I think that the politicians, not only the Presidents, Clinton and Bush, but also the Congress didn't want com up against the big oil and the big car companies ...."

Both O'Reilly and Gingrich agreed that the big oil companies took advantage of the two hurricanes to jack up prices.

COMMENT: On the issue of higher energy prices, Bill O'Reilly has been scolding Bush and only Bush for weeks now. All of a sudden last night he introduced the name "Clinton" into the mix several times. Did FOX Management - via the White House - tell him he had to spread the blame?

Theme 5: Will Newt Run?
O'Reilly tried to get Gingrich to affirm or deny rumors of a presidential bid, but Gingrich would only say "I don't think the country wants personality candidates right now."

Theme 6: Child Molesters Getting Off with Easy Sentences
O'Reilly lashed out against Washington State Judge Linda Lau because she gave only six-months to a convicted child molester Keneth Bell. What he neglected to tell his viewers is that Judge Lau required the perpetrator to enter a mandatory sex offenders rehabilitation program that will last for many years and during which he will be closely monitored. He faces 13 years in prison if he withdraws from the program. He also interviewed two men on the topic. Joseph Paolillo the father oif one of the victims. According to Findlaw, Mr. Paolillo himself was cited several times for abusing his son, Joseph Jr. While the online accounts of Bell's sentencing mention two victims, O'Reilly claimed there were three. The other guest on the show was Chuck Pillon, an extreme right-winger who lost his bid to become Sheriff in 1997. here's how a local paper described him:

A 45-year resident of King County, Pillon sees irony in his campaign for sheriff. Here is a man who has spent a lifetime sticking his finger in the eye of Police Administration [who] now ostensibly [seeks] to become one High Sheriff of the County," Pillon said. Pillon says he was fired after 23 years in the Seattle Police Department for pointing to the failure of the police to address drugs and gangs in neighborhoods. Since then he says he has taken the war against child abuse and families to the steps of the state government. "I seek the Sheriff's office because I need the staff and budget to continue this vital work," Pillon said. If elected, Pillon said he would address the "waste of cops in the Internal Investigations Unit [and] Media Relations." "I am going to return the office to the hands of the people, removed from the morass that has kept the appointed sheriffs of the recent past on the leash of the central power structure of the county," Pillon said.

COMMENT: Last week O'Reilly did not completely vet Washington State attorney Russell van Camp. This week it looks like he's continuing the trend by scheduling two more Washington State guys with shaky histories.

Guess he can always blame his research staff?

Theme 7: Your Money or Your Life - Cavuto's New Book
O'Reilly actually argued with Cavuto, who spent his whole segment defending Big Oil, Big Auto and big, big, big corporate profits.

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