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Ann Coulter: They're treating us like liberals, lying to us.

Reported by Deborah - October 13, 2005

Ann Coulter and Brent Bozell teamed up once again on Hannity's radio show today to discuss Harriet Miers. Coulter, not too happy with the Bush choice, admitted that the GOP lie to liberals which surprises nobody. After saying "They're treating us like liberals lying to us" she followed with "When they lie to Conservatives, we have a problem."

Coulter insisted that that Miers is simply not smart enough to be on the Supreme Court adding that she will be eaten alive and driven by her law clerk if confirmed.

Bozell said that two things might happen. Either she'll survive the confirmation and Bush will be embarrassed or she'll go down and Bush will be embarrassed.

Hannity as always was anxious to bring it back to the a Liberal/Conservative argument so he brought up the Gang of 14 that stopped the "constitutional ( nuclear) option" claiming that it would expose the liberal agenda. However, Coulter didn't want to play that game today. For her it was a Republican/Conservative issue.

Then Brent Bozell brought up the strength of Ronald Reagan and compared him to Bush Senior who he claimed was too anxious to compromise. Bozell said that at first he believed that GW was like Reagan but now he sees that Junior is just like his Father.

Coulter and Bozell have a turned so the mutiny begins.

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