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Fox Wants To Change Your Perceptions About NOLA

Reported by Deborah - September 28, 2005

Brit Hume claimed tonight, 9/28/05, that all those rapes and murders in the Superdome and Convention Center didn't happen and in fact, things were not that bad in those nightmarish days of waiting in New Orleans. Steve Brown opened his report about the public's misconceptions with this line.

"In the early dark days, truth at times was a casualty."

Brown immediately blamed the reports of murders and rapes on Ray Nagin who supposedly furnished false reports to the public. A clip was shown of Sally Foreman, Nagin's spokesperson, claiming that the Mayor was simply passing on the accounts he had recieved from people at those locations since there was no way to investigate anything during that period.

It was concluded that the reports of babies raped couldn't be true since there were no bodies of babies found and the small number of bodies found in the Superdome were not homicides. Brown asked if the rape stories were false?

Then after planting that seed that there were no rapes committed, Brown reported a few confirmed cases of rape acting as if they were no big deal. A clip was shown of a man describing a gang rape of a young woman that he witnessed outside on the street with an entire gang taking their turns. However, since he didn't see it inside the Supersome, it didn't seem to count as a horrific crime to Hume and friends.

comment: I sure wasn't convinced that those murders and rapes didn't happen by this report after listening to the details. However, to the casual viewer it was easy to come away with the idea that everything had been exaggeratted by NOLA's corrupt Mayor.

Of course, nobody said that there wasn't a lot of shooting going on inside the Superdome and Convention Center.
I remember a report on NPR from a local policeman in Philly who had volunteered to help in those first days. Somehow, he managed to get in without any trouble. He claimed that there was constant gunfire at night in the pitch dark and it was impossible to know who fired and where there were in the huge spaces. From his descriptions, things were worse than Nagin reported.

So I guess all that talk about not being able to make delieveries because of the out of control looting and shooting was just a big lie. Maybe Fox should consider which lie serves them better. Either way, everyone knows they are spinning and distorting except the most hardcore Foxatrons.

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