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Bush - Still Looking For Bullhorn Moment?

Reported by Donna - September 22, 2005

Today on Studio B with Shepard Smith it was Rita, all over, except for twice when they broke in to tell us that the president was going to fly into Texas tomorrow to thank the emergency workers in advance.

At 3:22 Smith broke in to tell us that the president was flying to Texas tomorrow. The story continued with Wendall Goler about 15 minutes later.

Wendall Goler reported that the president was going to fly down to Texas to make sure all is ready and the president may also go back to Texas when the storm is over.

Giving Goler credit, he did say that we should compare this to Katrina where the president stayed on vacation and didn't fly to New Orleans until the Friday after Katrina had hit on Monday.

Comment: Given that he is the preemptive president when he wants to be, it's very important for Fox to show us that this time, he really cares. After waiting until the 5th day of the Katrina Hurricane to show up, Bush is making a preemptive strike and flying to Texas before the new hurricane, Rita, hits. Is he still looking for that bullhorn moment?

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