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Hurricane Doesn't Stop Hannity From Promoting Bush

Reported by Ellen - August 30, 2005

It was non-stop hurricane coverage on Hannity & Colmes last night. But that didn't stop Sean Hannity from finding a way to make George Bush look good. In the middle of an interview with Mississippi governor Haley Barbour, who happens to be former chairman of the Republican National Committee, Hannity asked, "What can you tell us about the president?"

Surprise, surprise! Haley answered that the president has been "great," that FEMA and The Coast Guard have been "great teammates."

No mention of the fact that, as AP reported, that 3,300 of the more than 7000 national guard troops from Mississippi "who would be available to help deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina" are in Iraq and Afghanistan.

There was also no mention of the complaint by the Louisiana National Guard earlier this month that too much of its equipment is in Iraq. As Democracy Now reported, "The local ABC news affiliate reported dozens of high water vehicles, Humvees, refuelers and generators are now abroad."

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