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Sometimes Fox Anchors Just Say Something Stupid

Reported by Donna - August 10, 2005

Rick Folbaum was filling in for Shepard Smith on Studio B today. Now, he's never come across as particularly bright, but I listened when he interviewed former FBI agent, Harold Copus, on the Tennessee manhunt for the husband and wife fugitives.

When it was brought up that the wife was most likely injured due to blood being found in their abandoned car, Folbaum then asked the former FBI agent (very seriously), "Obviously you would call all the local hospitals?"

Obviously??! I found myself grinning and then so did the FBI agent as he corrected Folbaum and told him he very much doubted they would be checking into any local hospitals.

Comment: I have no law background, but I think anyone with reason could figure out that two fugitives, with all the authorities alerted, would not take the chance of checking into a local hospital. And, he said it with such authority, like, 'but of course you would call all of the local hospitals?'

Fox News Readers - they just have to know how to read, not to think. But, I smile and continue with my monitoring.

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