All Is Well In Republican World
Reported by Deborah - July 30, 2005
Fred Barnes was bright and chipper today talking a mile a minute assuring viewers that the Republican view is the correct view. Juan Williams got a few comments in but did little to dull the gleeming world of the GOP. 7/30/05
According to Barnes the Roberts documents released were very reassuring to conservatives who know for sure that Roberts is just like Thomas and Scalia. He acted as if Democrats should be quite satisfied with what they got and not ask for more. Williams reminded Barnes that it is standard procedure to release all the documents and witholding records of Roberts time with Ken Starr is a problem.
Barnes was thrilled with the great CAFTA victory this week. When Williams stated that it will be hard on the blue color workers especially in the textile industry, Fred Barnes was dismissive saying,
" There's plenty of jobs out there!" ( When was the last time Fred Barnes was actually out there trying to get a job?)
After reporting that Democrats on the left are upset with Hillary for moving to the center, Barnes declared, "It's a gift from heaven to be attacked by the left." Unfortunatly, Juan Williams was quick to agree with Barnes.
On John Bolton, Barnes was gleeful when he announced that Bolton will get a recess appointment and he will be great in the job.
Then Barnes and Williams had a good laugh over Jane Fonda. Williams quipped that Barnes better not drive behind her bus because it will smell like MacDonalds. (ha-ha) Both agreed that Jane Fonda was the worst choice to spread an anti war message.
All is well in Republican world because they have all the answers and never, ever make any mistakes. There are plenty of jobs for everyone. John Bolton is the best man for the job. Democrats have no right to ask for information about John Roberts. Democrats are a necessary evil but anyone left of center is total slime. Of course, everyone knows that Jane Fonda deserves no respect. All is well.