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Protecting the Lies of Bush & Blair a Global Affair on Fox

Reported by Melanie - July 21, 2005

Yesterday, the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, was interviewed on the BBC radio program, "4's Today." Livingstone was honest and forthright about what he thought motivated the July 7 London bombers (today's events hadn't happened yet, obviously). He spoke truth to power and many in Britain, and around the world, are grateful to him for doing so.

Here is a link to the audio version of the interview. Listen to it. What Livingstone said needs to be said more often, by more people.

Here's a bit of what Livingstone said:

[T]hose governments which use indiscriminate slaughter to advance their foreign policy, as we have occasionally seen with the Israeli government bombing areas from which a terrorist group will have come, irrespective of the casualties it inflicts, women, children and men.

Under foreign occupation and denied the right to vote, denied the right to run your own affairs, often denied the right to work for three generations, I suspect that if it had happened here in England, we would have produced a lot of suicide bombers ourselves.

Today (July 21, 2005) during a Your World w/Neil Cavuto devoted entirely to terror and fear-mongering, substitute host Stuart Varney hosted Bernard Kerik (he's back!) in two separate segments. The second segment was titled "Iraq Link?"

Kerik, of course, said there was no link between the London bombings and Iraq. His absurd argument was that, "On the morning of September 11, 2001, we weren't in Iraq, we weren't in Afghanistan, Libya had not disarmed, we didn't have a relationship with Pakistan. A lot has changed since then, but on that morning we weren't even on a war footing against terrorism."

Stuart then compared the reaction of Rudi Giuliani to 9/11 to Livingstone's, saying they were "opposite" (the right's beloved macho man v. girly man comparison again). Varney said that Livingstone "actually justified suicide bombings on the part of Palestinians faced with Israeli power."

Comment: In doing research for this article it's clear that Ken Livingstone, a man who opposed the invasion of Iraq, is on the right's hate list. They call him "Red Ken." One site said he is a former Marxist.

Listen to the interview. Livingstone is thoughtful, reasonable, calm and correct. It's too bad the American public doesn't know more about what he said. What little they heard about it on Fox was far from accurate. As a matter of fact, it was false. In the interview Livingstone said, "I do not support any suicide bombing." He repeatedly said he is against all violence.

At this point, protecting the lies of the Bush and Blair government is apparently becoming a global affair. It seems that anyone, of any prominence, in any country, will be vilified if they dare speak the truth, and Fox News will help. The planet is being held hostage by lies.

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