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Coulter Cruises Colleges for Negative Attention

Reported by Deborah - May 4, 2005

Ann Coulter visited H&C to talk about what she said at St Thomas University on April 18 to provoke the University's President to denounce her but that didn't happen.Instead, Coulter and Hannity diverted attention with the pie throwing video clip and a new incident that happened last night at the University of Texas involving an obscene question, an arrest and chanting students.Coulter appeared to love talking about the abuse inflicted on her by intellectually inferior liberal students but there was no discussion about what she said to incite the reaction or why she continues to invite this negative attention speaking at Colleges.

Coulter's speech at St. Thomas University in Minnesota was so filled with hateful rhetoric that the President of the Catholic University was compelled to speak out.The Reverend Dennis Dease called Coulter's remarks -- quote "against everything the University of Saint Thomas stands for."

Hannity did not mention the real objections made by Reverend Dease and also avoided mentioning that it was a Catholic University. He labeled it as "free speech under attack" and ridiculed the University's concern that the audience was not treated with dignity.
The video clip of Coulter dodging the pie was repeated while Hannity talked about St. Thomas U. and Coulter kept laughing loudly. However some people in that audience didn't find the experience so funny prompting a huge backlash from the University community.

Coulter claimed that liberal students were buffered along by a liberal media and education while Republican students were far superior in debating. Of course she made a point to annoint Colmes an intelligent liberal complimenting his debating skills and Colmes seemed to respond to her strokes.

When asked what should happen to the pie thrower, Coulter gleefully announced that the College Republican Women gave him a beating mentioning a broke collar bone with satisfaction.

comment:Each time Coulter illicits a negative response from liberal students, she runs to Hannity to tattle like a 10 year old bully.It's a perfect set up. Now that there's no candidates to skewer and the Democrats have been stripped of power, she's found a way to get her book plugged for the hundreth time and make her case against liberals.

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