Bush Hypocrisy on Terri Schiavo Ignored by FOX, the "Real Journalism" Network
Reported by Ellen - March 20, 2005
While FOX News reporters fall over each other trying to prove their concern for the life of Terri Schiavo, nobody is reporting about the cases in Texas where life support is being removed by hospitals over the objections of family members. The law allowing that to happen was signed in 1999 by then-governor George W. Bush.
Lest anyone thinks this is a case of Bush "evolving" in his opinions, just five days ago a Texas hospital removed life support from a baby over the objections of his mother. Yet Bush never made a peep. Neither did FOX News.
According to FOX, keeping Schiavo alive was so important to Bush that he flew back to the White House to sign a bill that Congress planned to enact just for that purpose (no coverage, of course, from FNC about why Congress is focusing on this state court decision involving a private, family matter). From an AP story, FOXNews.com reported:
During previous travels, Bush has had legislation flown to him overnight by military plane for his signature. But in this case, McClellan said that the fact that a woman's life is at stake made it necessary for him to travel to the bill. "Terri Schiavo's feeding tube has been removed and we stand with ... all those who are working to defend her life," he said.So why does Bush think Schiavo's life is worth saving but the baby's isn't? Could it have something to do with finances? In another case of a Texas hospital trying to cut off life support over the objections of a family, The Houston Chronicle reports,
A patient's inability to pay for medical care combined with a prognosis that renders further care futile are two reasons a hospital might suggest cutting off life support, the chief medical officer at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital said Monday. Dr. David Pate's comments came as the family of Spiro Nikolouzos fights to keep St. Luke's from turning off the ventilator and artificial feedings keeping the 68-year-old grandfather alive... (The attorney for the family) Mario Caballero said he believes the hospital wants to discontinue care because Nikolouzos' Medicare funding is running out.
Comment: Why hasn't Bush expressed any concern about Mr. Nikolouzos? He wouldn't even have to leave Texas to deal with it.
Last December, FOX News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes said on C-Span that he requires his reporters to "present the news, if there is more than one side, make sure you have it. If you think there's something else you don't agree with make sure it's in the story." Question for Mr. Ailes: Isn't this the kind of news you said you require your reporters to include? So where is it?