Quinn-Bachrach Face-Off by Popular Demand
Reported by Judy - January 21, 2005
Some of our alert readers have pointed out the great job Judy Bachrach from Vanity Fair did on Fox News yesterday (Jan. 20) challenging the inappropriateness of the excesses of George Bush's $40 million second inaugural held during a time of war. The video link of the Bridgette Quinn-Judy Bachrach debate is priceless.
Bacharach faces down Quinn, who abandons all pretense of objectivity, to argue with the guest she is supposed to be interviewing. Bacharach objects to Bush's spending $40 million for parties at a time when our soldiers are scrounching for scrap metal to protect themselves in the Humvees they ride in.
Caught off guard, Quinn told her guest, "To be honest with you, I didn't really want to argue politics with you this morning." But seeing she had no choice, Quinn asked what would be appropriate in lieu of the 10 parties. Bachrach suggested a modest party like FDR hosted for his 1944 inaugural.
Finally, an annoyed Quinn shuts off the interview, saying, "I think we've given you more than your time to give us your point of view this morning."
Quinn's expression is priceless. See the video on Oliver Willis' website. Thanks to Oliver for providing this!