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Will he be back?

Reported by Chrish - September 1, 2004 -

Shepard Smith introduced Michael O'Hanlon of the Brookings Institute on Studio B August 30 (3:25 edt) as "a friend of the program". Their discussions are usually interesting and intelligent, an anomaly on FNC as we all know.

Today was no exception, but Michael said something that makes me wonder if he will be as frequent a guest in the future. What awful thing did he say? "I'm a Kerry supporter in terms of which preference I have, but I give the president a lot of credit for the fact he said 'I want the debates to be about the future...'" and he inferred he may continue to support GW if he does that, talk about the plan to truly secure the country and end terrorism.

Comment: We'll see. Those first four words may be just too much for the guys at the top to overlook.