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J. K. Lion and G. W. Mouse

Reported by Marie Therese - September 1, 2004 -

I learned today all I need to know about the true difference between John Kerry and George W. Bush.

When faced with the prospect of a hostile reception at the annual NAACP Convention, Dubya ran as far as he could.

When faced with the prospect of a hostile reception at the annual American Legion Convention today, John Kerry turned his boat into the fray.

Today, John Kerry earned my vote. This guy's got guts!

Yesterday the Smear Boat Vets Who Are Afraid They're Going to Get Sued and Lose Everything They Own offered to stop airing their new ads if Kerry apologized at today's speech.

An excerpt from the letter:

"As you prepare for your address before the American Legion in Nashville, Tennessee, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth encourages you to use this opportunity to clarify your actions in Vietnam and your statements about your fellow Veterans and shipmates when you returned home. Since you have made your four-month tour in Vietnam the centerpiece of your campaign, we respectfully insist that you be truthful. The public is owed a full and honest accounting of your actions. Veterans are owed an apology from you and an acknowledgement that there was no basis in fact for the accusations you made against them."

At first, I was disappointed that Kerry did not address this accusation. Then, as he continued to speak, I understood.

You don't let the enemy choose the battleground. You don't let them set the rules or determine the action. And the debates are still ahead.

Way to go, John Kerry! Instead of voting against Bush, I'm now voting FOR you!