Colmes Gets Serious
Reported by Deborah - September 1, 2004 -
Alan Colmes has had a tough time getting our message out this week but tonight, he was determined. Maybe, when Terry MacCauliffe's rebuttal to Rove, was bumped after 3 minutes. for Reagan's Tribute, Colmes got as annnoyed as I did. 9/1/04 9:11PM ET
Terry got a chance to say that Kerry voted against the 87 billion because it was laden with pork for Halliburton. Colmes made the point that Bushco is responsible for the lack of equipment for our troops both citing examples of parents sending helmuts and vests to their kids in Iraq. Right before the cutoff for Reagan, viewers learned that Halliburton stock has gone from 8 to 28.
When Colmes returned at 9:28 PM, Jack Kemp was there praising Bush's plan for the "ownership society" where people will own homes, have health savings accounts and retirement accounts. Colmes quickly hit Kemp with all the new stats showing a rise in poverty. Kemp was knocked off guard by this sudden shot of reality,"Those figures are based on "03" instead of "04". Bleeding heart conservatives will spread their democracy to the inner city." By that time, he was turning his head looking for Hannity to rescue him.
When Gingrich arrived, Colmes asked him if Bush should have changed his statement about the war on terror. Gingrich agreed that the war on terror can not be won and people deserve to know that.
comment: Dissenting voices have not been nurtured, this week in New York, despite all their rhetoric to the contrary. Hannity&Colmes from the Democratic Convention, was filled with republican analysis and opinion . Hannity had his little bipartisan panel each night taking aim at the democrats. Also, only the major speeches were covered and the the interviews held, during these speeches had nothing to do with the speaker. Usually, the speeches were not covered afterwards. So considering his handicaps now, Colmes did fine.