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Hannity the Viper Returns

Reported by Deborah - July 31, 2004 -

Once Hannity got back to the security of FNC, he became the Republican's faithful viper attacking Kerry with a renewed venom. His first ally was Pat Robertson, who wanted to make sure that only Republicans could be considered religious. 7/30/04 9PM

Hannity and Robertson immediatly attacked Kerry's statement of " being on God's side" claiming that he stole that and many lines from Bush's speeches because he's trying to be republican. Then Hannity started on his war atrocity accusations claiming that Kerry is a war criminal , not a hero.

When Colmes popped in, Robertson felt some unexpected heat. Colmes, probably renewed from the convention, asked some good questions with a conviction that is often missing in these situations. It was onvious that Robertson was caught off guard and he reverted to far right rhetoric like "murdering babies, homosexual marriage, infanticide, sucking baby's brains out.

It was a relief to have a liberal defense from Colmes and his involvment made a real difference in the impact of Hannity's attack. Knowing that Alan Colmes can be effective, makes his usual lack of engagement harder to accept.