Democrats are "Just Lying" About the Economy
Reported by Melanie - July 31, 2004 -
Late in the first half of Your World w/Neil Cavuto on Friday, July 30, 2004, Cavuto held one of his regular "round table" discussions, during which four or five people talk in rapid-fire succession for five to ten minutes.
The topic was one of Fox's main topics of late: Is Wall Street fearful of a John Kerry presidency? (According to Fox News: absolutely.)
Cavuto started the discussion by asking whether Wall Street heard anything at the DNC that eased its fears.
Hearing the group tell it, the answer is a resounding no, and this country is in for a horrible ride should Kerry be elected. He will raise taxes, spend "a ton" of money on health care and then try to cut the deficit. Horror of horrors, he'll raise the minimum wage to $7.00 an hour and his positions are "frighteningly scary" on international policy. He's made the argument that the rich have gotten away with murder. The market sell-off was equated to fear that Kerry will be elected because it's "scared to death" about it. The Democrats are "just lying" about the economy and when voters listen to Democrats on economic issues it's because they're "successfully lying."
COMMENT: Yikes! If I were a Fox viewer I probably wouldn't vote for Kerry either. But, I guess that's the point, huh?